Part 20

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The next morning with one of Taehyungs shirts on. His shirt smelt divine. As I began to wake up I could just see blank really, that was until I realised my face was buried in Taehyungs neck and I felt his big arms wrapped around me. I felt so warm in his presence. I heard as he grunted and he moved slightly as I felt him wake up.
"Taehyung I need to get up" I said to him trying to leave his warm body
"Why" he asked
"I have things to do" I said wriggling around and he pulled me into him tighter
"Not yet" He said planting a kiss on to head
"What do you have to do?" He asked
"Stuff" I say and with that he whined letting me be free from his embrace and I got up out of the bed.

I tried to keep myself focused from what happened with Leah last night, though I really wanted more answers from her. I pulled out my phone and messaged her
Tina - Leah do you maybe wanna meet up today?
Leah - Why
Tina - I just wanna talk some things through
Leah - Fine. Not long though I have things to do
Wow she really has changed

I decided to get dressed into some of the casual clothing that Taehyungs stylists had gotten for me.
"Where are you going!" Taehyung came into the bedroom whining wrapping his arms around me.
"I'm going to meet Leah for a bit. I just wanna talk things through" I said looking in the long mirror putting eyeliner on.
"I personally wouldn't. Not after the way she spoke to you" He said putting his chin on my shoulder
"I just need to. We've been best friends for so long" I said
"Fine. Well don't be to long" He panted a kiss on my neck before leaving the room. Who knew a gangster could be so soft?
I went to a cafe in the city and waited there for Leah to arrive. I was quite nervous as I constantly kept checking my phone to see if she messaged to even say that she was on her way or that she couldn't make it today.

I saw as a black Range Rover pulled up just next to the cafe as I watched the door be opened by a posh driver. That was when I saw Leah get out of the car, and what she was wearing made her look like a millionaire, when really she's just a dirty prostitute. I saw as she didn't come over and she stood there for a good minute, that was when I then saw Yoongi get out of the car and take her hand. Ok, I have to admit, they looked like such a powerful duo. But why the fuck did she bring him!

They both approached me and sat down, a waiter came over asking them both what they wanted, I had already ordered my drink which was just a coffee.
"Can we make this quick" She said looking up to me.
"You actually have the audacity to say that" I said and she glared her eyes up and down at me.  Whore.

"Well what's going on. Like, you haven't been answering my calls, messaging me back" I said and she let out a huge sigh and I saw Yoongi sat in silence. Why is he even here? So irrelevant.
"I told you. I fell in love. I don't need you anymore" She said as she drank her champagne
"You fell in love, great I'm happy for you. But you really ended our years of friendship to a guy you've known for two months?" I changed my tone towards her with a slight attitude.
"Well yes" She said
"Your love might not last long, and you'll have nobody" I say knowing that she doesn't have a single contact with her family.
"My love with Yoongi will last forever" She said

Her personality has switched up so much, now that she's a rich girl who doesn't have to work she has proper switched up. She acts like a rich girl. Even her personality is rich. I cant believe she's thrown what we had away.
"So you haven't fallen in love with Taehyung?" She asked me leaning forwards. Have I?
"That's none of your business, we're not friends anymore" I smirked at her. Now she's just being nosy.
"Hm ok" She shrugged
"Don't come crying to me begging for our friendship back when your love dies" I said getting up out of my seat and leaving them both in the cafe.

I couldn't stand to stay there any longer, she was infuriating me so much.

Ive been having exams so I need to focus on them! I'll try update when I can

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