Boscha crush/Cat younger siblings/Bo crush on Skara

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(I do not own any of the pictures used in this post)

I had this headcanon that I made up for one of Boscha's groupies, Cat. She's the healing coven girl with the glasses and the long brown wavy hair.

I had this idea for a headcanon and a backstory for her. Perhaps she is the eldest of three and has a younger brother and a yougner sister who are twins. I decided to name the boy Drexel (Drex for short) and Nicole (Nikki or Nix for short). They're about King's age. They attend Hexside with their sister and they have a pretty bad detention and suspension record.

If twins make them a bit too similar to Ed and Em then I would make Nikki older than Drex by a couple of years

Drex and Nikki basically looks like genderbend versions of themselves but they have completly opposite personalities.

Drex is the younger twin. He has tanned skin and has dark brown slightly wavy hair that reaches his neck along with brown eyes. He's rather quiet, shy, anxious and tends to follow Nikki's lead. He loves plants and flowers and into plant magic

Nikki is the older twin. She has tanned skin and has dark brown slightly wavy hair and brown eyes. Her hair in tied in a ponytail. She's aggressive, short tempered, sporty, and hot headed. She's also a dog person and loves canine creatures and interested in beast keeping magic.

The twins are considered problem children. They get titles like 'The problem children' or more commonly 'The devil children'. Nikki tends to cause more trouble of the two. She would usually the one who would get into fights and lead Drex into mischevous stuff like vanadalizing, pranks and other things.

I had a headcanon for a backstory for Cat. Many people assume that Cat is from a well off family since she hangs with Boscha and her crew. Well she does, but, her parents are rich but they leave Cat and her siblings with nothing. Cat's parents are rarely home and barely provides for them so Cat practically raises herself and the twins. Cat would do things like play with them, help with their magic and homework, feed them, tuck them in bed.

Due to the parents providing for them and rarely being home. Cat and her younger siblings had to resort to things like shoplifting for food, clothing and luxaries.Drex and Nikki would try and get their parents' attention and get their anger and frustration out with misbehaving, pranks, stealing, stuff like that. I feel like they would buy Ed's fireworks in the alleyway to set them off and look up to Ed and Em.

I had this idea of the siblings boucing from foster home to foster home and having to be on the run hiding from them and on occassions having to camp out in the park or in the forrest.

Boscha and the gang have no idea of Cat's situation but I think Skara would be the first to find out.

Nikki and Drex are loners at school and don't have friends and would get constantly bullied by their classmates of their parents rarely being around and not having money. They would get excluded, not invited to stuff, nobody's shows up for their birthdays.I had this idea of Nikki reaching her breaking point and finally reaching max anger and using her magic to attack her classmates. This would lead to Principal Bump having an idea of having them be homeschooled temporarly until they're ready try and come back.

I also had this idea of the duration of Nikki and Drex being pulled out of school, that Nikki gets so consummed with anger and Drex is so consumed of anxiety that they would blindly go to this junior EC training camp to train to eventually be old enough to work in the EC, thinking they'll get respect. Perhaps try to work to be the assistents of the golden guard. Nikki can be the Silver Savior and Drex could be the Bronze Banneret.


As for Boscha. I had this idea for an OC to act as a love interest for her.

Her name is Luna. She's a humanoid witch like Amity and Willow. She has pale skin and has pink eyes and light blue long hair. She is in bard track and on the school's cheerleading team. She lives with her father and grandfather, making her the princess of the family.

She's a very shy, sweet, kind and polite girl. She loves to sing and has a beautiful singing voice.

I had this idea of Boscha defending Luna from a couple of mean cheerleaders in a lockeroom and Luna thanks her with a hug and Boscha gets this warm fuzzy feeling because she never experienced genuine affection before.

I had this headcanon of Boscha being a terrible singer. I had an idea of something called the 'Chandelier Incident'. Where Skara was having a birthday party at akaraoke place her dad rented out and when It was Boscha's turn to sing, she was singing the song 'Chandelier by Sia' and it caused people to run out screaming and holding their ears and for this giant chandelier to fall off the ceiling and crash onto the ground.

I think it would be pretty cute if Luna and Boscha did a duet with Boscha rapping and Luna singing. Perhaps its when Boscha realizes she is more of a rapper than a singer.

Perhaps some people can help Boscha be nicer and give her romance advice to try and win Luna's heart and maybe Boscha tries to compete with the captain of the male grudgby team to win Luna's heart

--------------------I have a headcanon that Bo has a crush on Skara. Bo is the healing girl with the pale skin, brown hair, and freckles. I had this idea that Bo was going to ask Skara to grom but the beast keeping guy beat Skara to it making Bo heartbroken and jealous. So The HAS and Selene helps Bo try to win Skara's heart only for those attemps to end in a comical diaster. I had a headcanon of Bo being terrible with music, not just with singing but playing instruments as well. She tried to play hot cross buns on the recorder for a talent show once only to get booed off the stage


Do you think one or both of these have the potential to be good and worthy to be comics, fanart, AUs, and/or fanfiction material?What do you think of these headcanon AU stuff for Boscha and for Cat? Woud you have any ideas to add onto it?

Let me know your thoughts and ideas of these in the comment section below.

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