Chapter 1

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'Maybe she's behind the couch?' I think, tiptoeing as quietly as I can into the living room where the big, black leather couch sits.

I count to 3 before leaping off the cushon to throw myself behind the couch, landing on my bestfriend.

"Ow, Grayson!" Kaede screeches, pumping her hands against me in attempt to push me off.

"Hah-WOAH!" I yelp, tumbling onto the back of the couch and fall to the ground next to Kaede.

"How the hell did you just do that?" I ask her, astonished.

She shrugs, "my magical unicorn powers," she replies, smirking in triumph.

She really loves Andrea Russett and Kian Lawley, though they are not together anymore, so unicorns is her thing between the two of us.

I roll my eyes and stand up. "I'm hungry. Let's go to the diner," I say, brushing myself off.

Kaede stands up, beaming with excitment, "yay! I love the diner!" She exclaims.

She is the childish person I know, besides me that is. But I'm known as a really laid back person so I'm not childish a lot.

Besides, I'm 21 and Kaede is 19. Though she is 2 years younger, we live together since her parents aren't very involved with her. Same with mine, but I'm of age.

I grab my keys and spin them on my finger, pull on my sunglasses, and walk out my frount door side by side with Kaede.

We hop in the car and I put the keys in the ignition. Hearing it road to life, I carefully pull out of my small driveway and rumble down the road.

Kaede slams her hand on the radio and a song comes on. 'Good Girls' by 5SOS. I gasp and turn it on full blast. We sing our lungs out while I drive toward our usual diner.

I pull up into the parking lot, taking our usual spot that for some reason nobody ever occupies when we arrive. Maybe we're here to much.. Hm. Life.

Kaede slams the door shut behind her, me mimicking her actions. I take my sunglasses off as we walk inside, eager and hungry.

"Corner table, far left, please," I ask-more like instruct-the desk lady. She smiles and leads us to the table. We sit down willingly.

"Alright, would you like a childrens book to read while you wait, hun?" She asks me, bending down to come face to face with me.

I'm rather small for my age, but nobody ever sees me as a kid. Then I realize, this lady has a pair of glasses tucked into her frount pocket. Time to have fun.

I smile and put on my best childs voice while Kaede makes no attempt to hold in her dieng laughter, "yes, do you have the novel 'Guns and Roses' or perhaps '50 Shades of Grey?" I ask.

Her face wrinkles in confusion and I bite my lip to contain my laughter. The lady clears her throat and smiles, "no, but we have Curious George puzzles," she says, reminishing her smile.

I frown, "no, I'm good thank you though," I dismiss her and she leaves. I tear up from holding in my laughter and turn to Kaede, who is crying of laughter.

I let my laughter out, not caring how loud or retarted I sound. I snort and Kaede hiccups. See, this is why we're bestfriends.

"That was halarious!" I say, slapping my knee with my palm. I hear laughter behind me, in the booth next to us. I stop laughing, curious. Why does those laughs sound familar?

I turn my head and scooch myself up to get a better look.

Two boys sit there, laughing not very quietly. One boy has blonde, colorful hair and another has brown, bushy hair. No way...

I sit down in my seat again, eyes wide and heart beating. "Kaede!" I whisper-scream. "Kian Lawley and Justin Castillo are literally sitting in the seat RIGHT BEHIND ME!"

Kaede gapes at something behind me and I turn to see Kian is looking straight back. Oops. "H-hi," I say. I metally facepalm.

H-hi? H-HI?! Are y-you f-freaking s-serious, ri' now, Grayson?

"Hey," Jc replies, smiling his adorable smile. I've always had a small crush on Jc, but I just lost all track of thinking due to my s-s-stupidity. (Stuttering on purpose, harmono)

"Wow, why are you guys here?" I ask, curious on why two internet sensations would be at a basic diner like this. Kian shrugs, "same reason you are, I think," he replies, smiling.

"So, what's your name, beautiful?" Jc asks me, ruffling his own hair. I blush because he called me beautiful, "Grayson Davids."

Jc bites his bottom lip, the corners of his lips tugging into a smile. "You guys seem cool," Kian says. "Can we have your numbers?" I nod, along with Kaede.

The boys hand us their phones, we give them ours, and we type our numbers into their phones, the hand them back. Jc smiles and pulls me in for a hug, which I didn't expect.

Haha, I'm dreaming. Wake up, Grayson. Dreams are evil, doing this to me.

But it isn't a dream because as soon as I pull away, Jc is standing there, staring straight back at me.

"Well see you guys later, bye," Kian says, winking at Kaede then leaving. Jc hugs me once more, then follows after Kian.

"Did that just-" I trail off, sitting down where I was before discoverinf two famous youtubers sitting 3 feet away from me.

"I think so," Kaede replies in a mear whisper.

Skinny love // Jc CaylenWhere stories live. Discover now