Chapter 1 : The city of lights

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It was the year 2180, the streets of Astrolos was filled with murmur as people surround the big screen in the center of town. Amongst the chatter a Slender man spoke loudly as his voice boomed out through the speakers, many looked upon the screen in horror the man spoke. "Today is a declaration, Any persons affiliated with the criminal group the rebels are will be severely punished and charged with crimes. "What?" A man said in disbelief, this caused commotion amongst a the onlookers. "And any person found to have know information about said group will receive the same person the rebels will be facing!" He continued his narrow blue eyes and crooked smirk shown as he installed fear into the citizens. "The rebels if caught will face public execution, and those who follow in this criminal activity will also receive the same type of execution." The words sunk in as it went completely quiet. The rebels aka "The cyber raid" is an organization to help stop wrongly convicted people from being executed. The slim man on the screen is non other than Trent McBlurt, he was a dirty political man just like his father Grant McBlurt often called the grim reaper of court. Many innocents died because of wrong convictions and a small organization was constructed to bring a stop to the madness.

-7pm Cyber Raid Head quarters-
"Damn it!" A general said slamming his hands down, he walked back and forth looking at documents spread out across the large table. "Sydney we need to get recruits and fast!" The brunett girl nodded as she exit the room, "Hey Ashley this is Sydney! We need to find recruits, and we need them to be the elite in ranking based on skill. Because Ash this is one hell of a fight."

- 11 pm Diner -
A girl with a pixie hair cut walked into the diner with a iPad in her hand and a brief case. " hello ma'am what can I get for you today!" A cheery girl with purple hair said. "Oh just a coffee black" she spoke as she laid her belonging on the table. The waitress nodded and took off to get the coffee. The woman opened the brief case and set a scan from her iPad of the room. This scan pulls everyone's record and and if they are criminals or children of convicted criminals. The waitress with the Purple hair popped up on the database: Riyomi Nelson daughter of a man who was convicted of murdering 3 people when she was 3, she's been in a orphanage ever since. "Perfect." Ashley said typing away. "Oh excuse me miss I have a few questions I would love to ask you. Riyomi looked at the woman and nodded. "I have a few moments so it should be fine." She walked over to the table with the coffee and set it down. "Your Riyomi Nelson, daughter of Ryu Nelson correct?" Riyomi's eyes widen as the question came up. " I....." Riyomi was panicking, because of the new order that was pushed by the government and Ashely saw the fear in her eyes. "miss Nelson your not in trouble, I just have a business proposal for you." The woman said. "My name is Ashley Hawk , I work for cyber raid and I'm recruiting people for an important- case." Ashley continue lookin around the cafe. "I know it's hard with the new order, we can discuss this matter fully in a more private setting." Ashley whispered. Riyomi nodded,agreeing to hear her out. "Let me finish up shop and I will be ready." It was 12 am and the shop closed, Riyomi finished up and Locked the door. "Miss Hawk why do you need me to be recruited." Ashley Hawk stopped in her place. "We need to put an end to this, we desperately need those who been affected by the system to destroy the system. A single tear fell from Ashley's eye. "Miss Hawk your last name reminds me of a friend of mine -Stephanie Hawk-" Riyomi said. "Yes, she was my younger sister, she died last year because of the systems." Riyomi felt guilt bringing up Stephanie. "I'm sorry." Riyomi let out. "It's okay, she wouldn't want me to mop around." They got into Ashley's car and talked more about the job and missions. "These missions are not easy, and one wrong move is life and death." She sternly warned Riyomi. "We need to recruit 11 members to pull of this operation, are you in?" Ashley question. Riyomi thought about it for a couple minutes. "I am in!" Ashley smiled. "Let's go find our team."

——- END OF CHAPTER 1———-
Hey guys thanks so much for reading my story oh and the picture at the top is what Riyomi looks like
P.s. I found this photo on google because I went for a cyberpunk theme.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2022 ⏰

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