C | Gotcha

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Angst and anxiety

You panted as you ran through the forest, looking back every second to see if the familiar cloud of flies was behind you.

Never in a million years, did you think you were to escape from that Hell- but you did it- not without one of the sisters behind your tail, though.

You knew you should have waited until it was autumn, or winter, even. Though winter would just get you killed too, were it not for the cold temperatures that reigned that time of the year.

It was almost dark outside, leaning against night. The moon was already to be seen shining brightly in the sky, giving you some sort of direction on where you could go.

"Where are you going, pet?" You heard her voice echo through the trees, but you didn't know if she was behind you or ahead of you already. A cold shiver ran up your body when you heard the rustle of leaves on your side.

So you took a sharp turn to the other side, in fear of the sister being right where you thought she was. A scornful laugh was heard clearly after you ran off West- she must've seen, no?

Your legs were starting to give out, it seemed like you ran for hours on end at this point- but didn't make any progress on running ahead of the Dimitrescu.

A big tree was somewhere up ahead, and you thought it'd might be a good hiding spot since there were bushes all around it. So you did just as you thought- and hid.

You felt yourself breathe heavily, and your heartbeat was pounding out of your chest. The more you tried to calm yourself, the more you got control over your body.

Luckily, you didn't hear her anywhere just now.

"Y/N." She slurred out with a cackle, buzzing heard just going past the tree and you. "If you show yourself, I'll make sure to cut off only two fingers."

Heck no, you'd rather die than surrender to that crazy person. Death didn't even sound too bad compared to the stuff you had to go through daily at Castle Dimitrescu. How you wish you just ran away the first winter you were here.

It was silent, nothing to be heard, nothing to be seen. Your head leaned back against the tree as you took a quiet, deep breath, calming yourself just a little more.

But adrenaline shot through your heart as you felt a pair of hands grab onto your ankles and yank you away from the bushes, and into the moonlight. You yelled out for someone to help you, but doubt there was anyone but her and you.

Your leg was let go, and you turned onto your stomach- why? You have no idea, it was just on instinct. But then again, quiet..

"Gotcha!" You heard Cassandra say behind you, laughing loudly as she noticed your freaked-out reaction. She pulled you up and dragged you back to the castle, "You're coming home with me, and we're going to have so much fun, little maiden." She said, though you didn't know if she was talking to you or to herself. It didn't matter, you were doomed either way.

Your legs kicked about as you tried to escape from the maniac, but to no avail- it just made you more tired than you already were.

Things such as torture started to run through your head; what'll Cassandra do to me now? You couldn't even imagine the things that were going through her own head, now that she had her little prey.

Before you knew it, you were back at the place you had escaped from, and right down the cellar. "No, please!" You pleaded but she just laughed at you.

Horrible memories flooded your mind as she dragged you to one specific cell, one where she could torture you on end.

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