part 2

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A/n pov

At evening

Y/n arrived at home safely

Y/n: Mom I am home

Mrs. Sharma : Here . Your coffee

Y/n: wow your are the best mom in world

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Y/n: wow your are the best mom in world . I love you.❤️

Mrs. Sharma chuckled and said

I love you too sweetie. I have some work in kitchen . So after finishing coffee go freshup and come.

Y/n: ok ma . But where is dad?.

Mrs. Sharma: He went to office because he have important meeting. So he will come late today .

Y/n: okay .

With that I left to my room to freshup .

In office

Mr. Sharma pov

I am here at my office to attend meeting with Mr

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I am here at my office to attend meeting with Mr. Khan who is my business partner. I am ready to go meeting room when

Ring Ring

Huh !! Who is calling me now. I take my phone and saw

Me: Mr. Park

OTP Line

Me: Hello buddy

Mr. Park: Hello my friend . How are you?

Me: I am fine . How about you? Now only you remember me?.

Mr. Park: Sorry soulmate, I  busy with my office works.

Me: it's ok. Tell me , how was your wife , son and my cute grandson.

Mr. Park: They are all fine . Actually I have something to tell.

Me: yeah sure , tell me what happened?.

Mr. Park : Nothing happened. I want little break from my office work . So I planned to come India with my family members to enjoy ourselves. It been while I come to India.

Me: That goods to hear. I am so happy. When you guys are coming.

Mr. Park : Next week.

Me: ok then I will inform to my wife and daughter. They will be happy.

Mr. Park: Mmm

Me: yeah ok so bye buddy .

Mr. Park: yeah bye soulmate.

Call ended.

I am so happy my soulmate coming India I should inform to my wife. She will  be happy after hearing this news.

On other side

Mr. Park pov

I am here at my room . Doing some office work in laptop when my beautiful wife entered our room.

Mrs. Park : Honey

Me: yes love. You need anything.

She sighed and sit in front of me and

Honey . I think we should fix marriage for jimin.

Me: what? Love Are you mad? How will he accept the marriage.

Mrs. Park: Honey I know he will never accept the marriage. He still love somi but what about Areum he still kid . He need mother's love.

Me: I know honey . You already know after somi death. He totally changed. How will he marriage other girl.

Mrs. Park: Don't worry darling. I know a person who will change my son. I am she will change him with her love.

Me: who? Confused.

Mrs. Park:  I will tell who is she ? But please don't get angry . I always want her as daughter in law. But that time jimin loves somi . So I can't against my son happiness. So I agreed with their marriage. But now he suffering. I know he acting cold outside but inside he already broken.

She said while brust out of tears .

Me: it's okay. Love don't cry.

I said while whipping her tears.

Me: Now tell who is she?

Mrs. Park: it's y/n.

She said while looking down.

I know she is nervous.
She is correct y/n will change my son . I am sure she will be good wife and mother . I know she is kind and beautiful girl.

Me: yeah , your correct love she will change our son. I am sure she will be good mother to our grand son. So I agreed with you.

Mrs. Park: so why are waiting call my brother ( y/n's father) .

Me: yeah, I will call him but before that we plan something.

Mrs . Park : Honey I already planned everything . So you just listen my plan . I am sure this plan will work.

Me: so what is  the plan.

After discussing plan.

Me: wow love . Your plan is amazing. I will call him now

Mrs. Park: ok honey.

With that I left to call my soulmate.

Mrs. Park's pov

I hope my plan will work . Oh god I don't know what will happen in future but I am sure it will be happy ending.

To be continued...❤️

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