Doctor strange

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Kyla p.o.v 

I was with my mom when some guy showed up. 

''Who are you ?''i asked him 

''Oh my name is Doctor Strange''said Doctor strange 

''How do you know him mom ?''i asked 

''We fighted alongside............when Thanos showed up''said Wanda 

I looked at Doctor strange. Maybe he could help my mom. She was in that stupid book all the time. 

''We need your help Wanda''said Doctor strange 

They talked and then she said something and then she uncovered the whole forest. It was red. My mom said something to him. She left. 

''That's my mom corrupted by that damn book''i said crying 

''Look Kyla maybe you could help your mom''he said 

''I tried helping her but it didn't work''I said 

There was a silence. 

''Can I come with you ?''I asked 

''Why ?''asked Doctor strange 

''Because all my mom keeps talking about is Billy and Tommy and I want to help her but i can't and I'm scared of her''i said 

''Alright come with me''said Doctor strange 

He opened the portal to somewhere. One second I looked at the forest. Then I went with him through a portal. 

Doctor strange in the multiverse of madnessWhere stories live. Discover now