Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Kira's POV

I walk over to the nerd table and sit next to Miguel

"Hey sunshine" he says as he kisses my cheek gently

I crack a smile and hug him "hiiii"

All of a sudden I hear a commotion break out behind me, I turn to see Demetri standing in the cafeteria next to Kyler. Kyler lifts Demetri's arm and snickers.

"Look everyone this dude has a MASSIVE cock on his arm!" he yells showing everyone

Everyone else in the cafeteria started to laugh and I lock eyes with Demetri. In that exact moment, he tugs his arm away going out into the hallway.

"I'll be right back Miguel.." I sigh following him

I walk the halls for what seems like forever and find him in the school foyer, leaving school

"Hey stud, whatcha up to?" I smile down at him

He looks up taking a short break from putting his textbooks back into his backpack.

"Hey...just leaving actually..." he sighs upset

"You know that wasn't very nice what Kyler did to you in there..." I say "...want me to fix it?"

"Uh yeah sure..." he hands me a pen

I bob down and I smile, taking the lid off of the pen and write something on the inside of the dick Kyler drew on his cast.


"There you go MUCH better..." I smile handing the pen back to him

He smiles up at me as he gets up

"Don't let the bullies get you down, okay?" I say ruffling his hair up

He nods

**weeks later**

I walk down to hallway passing Hawk and his goons.

"Oi Kira..." he calls

I groan frustrated and roll my eyes, turning to look at him with a snarl.

"Yes Eli?" I scoff

"I saw what you wrote on Demetri's cast...and I don't like it..." he snarls at me

"Oh funny that cos you're not meant to...look seeming that you are so interested...I was trying to cheer OUR best friend thanks to I have to go see my boyfriend..." I say sweetly pushing past him

"Wait your b-boyfriend..." he says and I can hear the sadness dripping from his voice "'re dating that dork now?!"

"Yes Hawk I am...and I am happier than ever because he doesn't beat helpless kids up..." I say turning to face him again

"But Kira I was..." he sighs

"You were what...going to apologise...I'm sorry Eli but nothing is going to make his broken fucking arm if you'll excuse me I need to go...Demetri is waiting for me..." I sigh back walking away

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