chapter 2

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Bryce's pov) I wake up the next morning and hear giggles from the kitchen so I get dressed and walked down seeing Bree on Noah's lap with Dakota so I go and pick up Bree

"Hi Bubba" I said kissing her head

"Hi Daddy"she said

"Where's jaden" I asked

"He's at the studio until 1 so we get to have Payton for a day" noah said

"OK so what are we doing to day" I asked

"Well first things first we have to get these little girls dressed" Josh said kissing Ashley's head

"okay so I'll take Dakota and Payton" noah said taking the two upstairs and we follow with Ashley and Bree

The girls outfits

The girls outfits

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Once thier all dressed we get down stairs and we go out side

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Once thier all dressed we get down stairs and we go out side

"Who's Payton riding with" Josh asked

"She can ride with me we are gonna go to hype and see Alex right" I said and noah and Josh nodded

Once I have the girls buckled in I get into the driver's seat

"Okay music what do you guys wanna listen too" I asked

" Daddys music daddy's music" Payton chanted

"okay" I said playing a mix I have for the girls music witch has jaden witch comes up first

Once we're at hype we all get the girls out and we walked to the door and I knocked and Alex opened the door

" Hey guys and girls come in" he said and we walked in

I see the girls face light up when they see their daughters

" Hanna" Ashely said going over to her

All the girls go over and they run off to I guess into one of their rooms

" Where's Jaden" Chase asked

" Studio" Noah said and everyone nodded

" Well Alex and I are gonna go film" I  said and we walked out the door

Josh's pov)

"Have you guys ever thought of trying to find someone" chase asked

" Ya but why we have the women we need right with us right now and we call them out daughters" nick said and we all nodded

" Well I'm still young and I wanna get married some day but who wants to marry yet alone date a guy with a kid" chase said and we all nodded in agreement

" Ya but we are doing just fine but who wants to take the girls to the park" I asked and we all nodded going to get the girls and we went to the park and they were all having a blast

"Dada Thiers a man over by Payton Oakley Hanna and Briana trying to touch them" Ashley said from on the structure

Chase Thomas Vinnie and I go over and I grab Payton chase grabs Oakley Thomas grabs Hanna and Vinnie grabs Briana

" Can we help you" I asked

" Well they looked lost and I was gonna help them find their parents" he lied

" They knew where we were" chase said kissing Oakley's head

" Well you looked to young to be father's" he said he's really trying to push the fact away that he was gonna kid nap our kids

I heard a scream seeing Ashley in another guys arms I hand Payton to Vinnie and run after them but they got into a car and I have tears brim my eyes  I go back to the boys the other guy is gone and I see Noah on the phone

I get a call from jaden and I answer it

" Hey man where are you" he asked

"On our way home we're just leaving the park" I said trying not to let my voice crack

" Oh okay can I talk to Payton" he asked

" Ya of course" I said

" Payton come here please" I said and she walked over

" What's up uncle joshy" she asked

" Daddy wants to talk too you" I said

" Hi daddy" she said

" Hi baby how was your day" Jaden asked

" Good we went to hype house and played with their daughters" she said

" That's fun hey I gotta go okay I'll see you at home" he said and they said I love you and hung up

After a while we got home and I started working on missing posters for Ashley

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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