Kris and Tyler

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This is a story about a boy. A bunny boy to be exact. He was a kind, quiet, soft boy with light tan fur and crystal blue eyes. His hair was long and fluffy and he had a very slim body. He was a gay boy. And he was proud of it. Sadly, life treated him differently because of it. His family, his friends, and even his career. He went to college to study journalism after losing everything he had and trying to find something to keep him going. Though, he wasn’t put in a free college. He was in debt. A huge debt. And what was worse about all of this was that no workplace wanted him. He was too weak, too quiet, no one wanted him. But one place did. He’d keep it a secret. He wouldn’t tell people who asked where he worked, he wouldn’t tell professors, he told no one. Even hiding that, college was worse. He didn’t have any friends. 

A group of wolves would pick on him because of the way he would dress and the way he would look. All because he was gay and trying to explore himself. He wasn’t looking slutty or acting slutty. He was just being normal. Acting normal like everyone else. But it didn’t matter. He was gay, and no one liked that. So he’d deal with it every day. But today, was one of his bad days. He failed an exam again, those wolves tripped him down some stairs and he broke his laptop. It was a terrible day. He would do something to fix all of this but it didn’t matter. He’s too stressed to focus on anything, the wolves are too popular for anyone to be mad at, and now that his laptops broke, he can’t do any of his assignments. Fantastic. All he wanted to do was go back to his dorm and sleep his thoughts away. But he had work. The worst kind of work. He hated his job so much but he had to do it to pay his debt. And now, to fix his laptop. He just tried to go back to his dorm to get ready. 

Along the way, he turned a corner and bumped directly into a group of gators. He and a gator almost tripped into each other but caught themselves by stumbling away. The other gators backed up from it. 

“Hey! Watch where you’re going dipshit!” One of the gators said after the bunny and the tripped gator caught themselves. They both stood back up and the bunny quickly apologized before quickly trying to leave again. But before they did, the bunny and the gator looked up at each other and made eye contact. The Bunny quickly looked away and left, but that gator didn’t. He noticed something off about that bunny. But his friends interrupted him before he could do anything else. He didn’t even know the kid, but looking in his eyes, he knew he was broken. He brushed it off though and moved on with his day. He was having a pretty good one so far too. He aced his exam, got a higher position at work, and he and his friends are going out tonight for a celebration.

Tyler was a Green Gator with dyed purple hair. He’s the chill type. Not very serious but he can be. He’s very caring towards the ones that he cares about or loves but He still knows hot to be jokey and funny to lighten the mood in a bad situation. He’s more of the favorated type.

”Ya good Tyler?” The gator’s friend asked him. 

“Yea. I’m good.” Tyler said. “Who the fucks that guy?” Another gator asked. 

“Pretty sure he’s that gay dude those wolves talk about.” Another one said. Tyler brushed his thought of the bunny out of his head. 

“Doesn’t matter. Let’s just get going.” Tyler told his friends. They all left and made their way in the opposite direction of the dorm rooms that the bunny was going to. 

The bunny finally made it into his room and closed the door. He groaned in annoyance of his day and then brushed everything off. He’s gotta get ready for work. He sat his broken laptop down on his desk and then walked into the tiny, sink bathroom with just a sink, mirror, and toilet. He walked in, turned on the sink, and then washed his face. After he finished, he looked up in the mirror and just stared at himself. He looked normal. He had nothing different about himself; he looked like just a normal student. If only people weren’t so rude. He sighed, he didn’t want to think too deep into it. He had a headache anyway. He opened the mirror, grabbed his Ibuprofen, and right as he closed it, the next thing he knew, he was at work. 

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