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The last chapter!



Sweet Pikachu: well... Today's the day.

Chaos Incarnate: 😖

Mom(o): you'll be fine, Evelyn. There's no need to worry.

Mom(o): although, i do hope you and Ida RESTED last night

Chaos Incarnate: Nope!

Chaos Incarnate: who needs sleep when you can survive off sex.

Sexy Sonic: that is not a thing.

Sexy Sonic: you do need rest to live healthily

Chaos Incarnate: I hardly ever sleep and I'm fine

Sexy Sonic: are you though?

Chaos Incarnate: 🌊BABY BOI! 🌊

Dwanye Johnson: damn. chill out, Ida

Sweet Pikachu: F

Izu Baby: 😂😂

Chaos Incarnate: I am fine! Sleep is for the weak!

Mom(o): I guess "fine" means something different in your brain than in ours

Casper: oof 😣

Boomer: fuck, what's everyone got against Evelyn today? jeez.😳

Chaos Incarnate: at least Bakugo loves me 🌊🌊🌊

Boomer: I guess this is a good time to ask, so........ Three way?

Sexy Sonic: No.

Chaos Incarnate: the almighty king of Evelyn has spoken 🙌🏻🤴🏻

Boomer: damn it!

Casper: nice persistence, though. You'll get there eventually

Sexy Sonic: no, he really won't

Sweet Pikachu: Evelyn seems open to it though 👀

Boomer: 👀

Chaos Incarnate: to what? The three way?

Boomer: what the hell else?

Chaos Incarnate: hmm? 🤔

Chaos Incarnate: a three way with Bakugo....

Heartbeat Song: there's a surprising amount of thought going into this

Boomer: 🌹🌹🌹

Casper: aww bakugo sending flowers? Adorbs

Chaos Incarnate: Ummm

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