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"Anyone would have to be fucking insane to think of you as human"

Dazai sat emotionless as Chuuya's words sunk in, the words felt as though they had began to seep through his bones. The door slammed shut in one swift movement, and once again he was alone.

Dazai stood up and made his way over towards the door quietly waiting for Chuuya's footsteps to disappear.
He cracked open the door to be sure that Chuuya was no where to be seen and once he was sure he took a almost dazed walk to the front entrance of the Port Mafias HQ.

It was already evening and rain had started to come. Dazai decided to take the walk back to his apartment he didn't feel like talking to any taxi drivers at this time even if it was only to say where he was going. The walk wasn't long away anyway he thought.

By the time he had reached the apartment the rain had begin to clear. He didn't really want to start living here he only did because Mori had offered and it was better then where he was before.

He took the lift up towards his floor, his footsteps making prints on the floor as he walked due to the rain before.

He unlocked the door with a sigh, a sigh he didn't realise that he'd been holding in. He tossed his long coat over the hooks by the door, actually surprising himself that the coat didn't fall.

Although Dazai didn't like it here it wasn't that bad, it was big enough for two people to stay in, Chuuya came over sometimes. They'd play video games for hours at a time, they'd watch random two star movies just to shit on them. And overall just enjoy each other's company.

Dazai went to his room and flopped on his bed, feeling his whole weight sink into the mattress. He began to rethink the events prior.

"Anyone would have to be fucking insane to think of you as human"

"Human..yeah you're right, I'm not am I? How can I be when I'm like this."

Tears slowly started to form in the corner of his eyes, the sting of the words had sunk in like poison in his bones.

Dazai never cried, most people thought he was incapable of it.

But at this point he began to sob, he didn't understand. Why is he like this? why is Chuuya more human than him? He hated thinking this way he cares for Chuuya he sees him as human, he acts human. But Dazai doesn't, and he is?What did being "human" truly mean? All this was creating a mess in Dazai's head, making a spiral of his thoughts. Until between his cries he could see a faint blue light flashing from the corner of the room.

Dazai wiped the tears from his eyes and walked towards the bookshelf in the corner. None of these books Dazai had actually read, they had been there when Mori allowed him to move in.

"What?" Dazai spoke after the light flashed again, his voice shaking from crying. He waited briefly until there was another flash, he stuck his hand where the flash was coming from, it was coming from a place in between the books.

He pulled out what seemed to be a small black box.

"What?" He spoke again more confusion in his voice.

It was a camera...

An overwhelming feeling came over him, he felt sick to his stomach. Why? Why was there a camera here? What the fuck was going on?
He was becoming angry at this point quickly realising what was happening.

Mori had been spying on him.

With that the camera was thrown onto the ground with an extreme force it broke. Did he really think Dazai was going to kill him that much? How could he fucking do this? He felt like now he definitely did want to kill Mori.

He started to leave his apartment in a panicked state. He needed to leave, he needed to go now. He didn't want to think about how long the camera had been in his room, for all he knew there might be more around the apartment.

The black coat gifted to him by Mori hung on the wall as he went to leave. Dazai never went anywhere without that jacket but he couldn't stand the sight of it.

He shut the front door loudly behind him he didn't care anymore he didn't want to be quiet.

When he got to the lift it was already in use so he decided on not wasting anytime and would just use the stairs instead.

He walked and walked he didn't know where he was going but he didn't care. He came across a small corner shop, he walked straight to the alcohol section. He wasn't old enough for alcohol yet but it really didn't matter to him if he was or not.

He took his bottle to the counter.

"ID please sir"

"Shit" he thought he really wanted this drink he was hoping the cashier wouldn't ask. He pulled out a pistol from his back, he didn't want to hurt the guy but he really needed this drink.
The cashier quickly cowered behind the counter.
Dazai quickly left.

Even if the police were called nothing much would happen he'd have Mori cover. Dazai was a valuable asset to him.

He found a small alleyway which was fairly out of sight. His back hit the cold wall, he slowly lowered himself towards the floor that was still damp from the rain earlier.
He began to drink from the stolen bottle his lifeless eyes staring at the wall in front of him.

After a short while he began to hear footsteps walking towards him. He didn't look away from the wall, he already knew who's footsteps they were anyway.

It's Chuuya...

"Christ Dazai, finally found you."


Chuuya sat on the floor next to Dazai.

"Why are you here?" Dazai asked

"Mori sent me to find you"

Dazai let out a small laugh a pathetic sort of laugh.

"Hey listen... I'm sorry about what I said earlier"

"Hm? What did you say?" Dazai asked.
Chuuya knew Dazai didn't actually forget he just didn't want to talk about it.

Dazai moved his hand towards Chuuya offering him some of his drink.

"Thanks" Chuuya could still feel a tension between the both of them he really did fuck up earlier.

"You should really go back to your apartment Dazai, it's late"

"I'm not going back"

"...What? Why not?"

"Mori put a camera in my room. Actually most likely put them all over the apartment" Dazai let out another small laugh but it wasn't really funny nor did he find it funny himself.

"What...the fuck?!" Chuuya's voice was quiet mainly out of confusion.

"See I'm not going back... at least not right now"

"No I don't blame you... fucking hell"

Dazai took another sip from the bottle him and Chuuya were now sharing.

"How about.." Chuuya paused for a while.

"Do you want to stay at mine?"

"Yeah thanks" Dazai replied.

And that's what they did, the walked back to Chuuya's apartment together. They checked the apartment just in case Mori had them placed there too.They shortly fell asleep together, and spent the next day playing video games at Chuuya's apartment instead.

Sorry that this is kinda short :') but I hoped you enjoyed it if you have any criticism or anything please let me know I would really like to improve my writing <3

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