Insert 2

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Then  he      kicked the     last     paper falling down out     of his      way    as       he went  past   me     by the     door. Ok      fine I          was    expecting that    he      does something   but messing       with   my drawings      was    way out     of       my mind. How   really did I          forget           the book?                     God rescue          me,    this is        just    too much for      a         lil-child  like     me. Usually         I watch them leave and have  this spontaneous prayer          ‘Lord has mercy’          but today I          let      that pass.  I          knelt down with   this heavy heart pounding on      my     chest. This anger building       in me     was    becoming dangerous   believe me.    One   by      one I          collected everything,  some wet from the      moist floor but     that    didn’t matter         so       long as       the     drawing is        still     visible, they   are     good  to go.     Now   I          was grabbing      everything fast,   the     bell    can ring anytime from  now.  Before I          swallowed   that ‘wiiiiiiiiiiiii’   went  the sound           of the bell. Ok      talk    about that kind   of       day,   a very   horrible       day I          was    about to have. As       if        I could see     Mr. Manyatsi embarrassing         me in       front  of everyone.    I grabbed       the     last piece and    literally ran     to       class  not minding anyone watching.

Thanks         Lord   the monster       is        not in       class  yet.    I sat      there lazily watching everyone making         the     last joyful noise before the     teacher        put them in       their place. No      I wasn’t          watching everyone;    personally I          knew whom my     heart was aching          to       see. See    when you    are in       love   the heart deny  everyone else    to       your   eyes but     allow this    one being to       live     in your   lil-fairy         tale world. I        sat there thinking about Angelo wondering   of       her where          about. OH speaks   of       the devil. I          saw    that pretty           bug    eyes sitting           by      the window       and felt so       complete.    I got     those tiny butterflies   in       my stomach      and    I knew that inner excitement  has taken it        riot.   The noise was    escalating fine    but     it wasn’t disturbing    my thoughts      at       all. I          withdrew     my pencil from  the     side pocket          and    a typek paper and started         sketching. Wait! Am     I getting obsessed   with her     image?

Today I          am     not drawing       her eyes,  eyebrows,   lips or       anything from  her face.      I peeped        under her desk   and    started with   the     sola    of her     walk   mate shoe. Yes,    I want  all       of       her. I          want  to       have the     whole           of her,    from  her head to        toes.  Who know what  if        one day    I          will     get to       draw  even  her belly  or       her nipples         (wink)? Talk    about dreaming high.  I          smiled to       myself          and fixed  my glasses   to the     right   position and    moved         to draw  her     bare   legs. God   this girl though.        I          put down my     pencil amazed        by what  I          was seeing.         Ok      the idea   of       beautiful is        always shifting;       I’ll       say that    once  more. Did you    know that beautiful      is personal      but     also universal?    I          may be      a         secret admirer        of her but even  you    will     see the     freshness     that awakens      the African         skin theme          from  her legs.

Chocolate    flourishing le…     oh      crap there comes manyatsi

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2022 ⏰

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