Initiation Day

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*Y/n POV*

'Initiation day, the day we all go out there kick the shit out of some Grimm grab a relic and officially join beacon. I've been looking forward to this for years. I wonder who I'll be teamed up with... oh well it doesn't matter.'

*3rd Person POV*

Everyone is lined up at the cliff over the emerald forest. Ozpin is giving his speech for where the ruins are but Ozpin is interrupted by Y/n's extreme excitement and the vibrant yellow glow from his necklace.

Ozpin: You will be using your-

Y/n: Less talking! MORE LAUNCHING!!

Y/n takes a running star and just leaps of of the launcher sending him much farther then he would have normally. Laughing maniacally as he's flung through the air.


Everyone sweat drops from Y/n's enthusiasm and questionable behavior. It doesn't take long for everyone to be launched before Glynda approaches Ozpin.

Glynda: Are you sure it's a good idea to let him run free like this? He always gets "carried away".

Ozpin: I know my hope is he doesn't start talking to the Grimm like when he was younger.

*flashback Ozpin POV 13 years ago*

???: *giggling*

I hear the sound of giggling coming from outside as I look outside my blood runs cold as an Ursa is running right towards Y/n.

Ozpin: Y/n!!!

The Ursa charges the four year old but before it can reach Y/n he waves his hands to the side playfully falling over as he does and the Grimm follows his lead.

Y/n: *giggles* Jackey~ you fell over! Silly goose! *giggles*

The Ursa roars in Y/n's face but Y/n just pouts and lightly slaps its snout. He looks seriously into the creatures eyes before scolding it.

Y/n: Hey! That's not very nice Jackey! Now apologize!

The Ursa makes some weird grunts and mewling noises before just sitting before the young Faunus.

Pro. Peach: Y/n!!! It's time for Dinner!

Y/n gets up and hugs the monsters face.

Y/n: Bye bye! And apology accepted Jackey!

*flashback over*

Ozpin: To this day I don't understand how he did that or why he talked to that Ursa as if it was anything other than a wild animal. But the look of familiarity on his face whenever he looks at massive Grimm concerns me.

*Blake POV*

I had landed and quickly found the blonde girl, Yang, as my partner. Yang is pretty cool but she keeps rambling about Ozpin's nephew. I understand why though the way he spoke for his speech was so arrogant!

Blake: 'I can't wait to knock him down a peg!'

I'm torn away from my thoughts when Yang yells at me.

Yang: Blake!

Blake: What is it?

Yang points to a clearing up ahead where we both see the familiar form of Y/n. However it's what he's doing that is unusual. He's petting and talking to an alpha Ursa Grimm!

Y/n: Hello Jackey! Yes, I missed you too! Down girl! I have to focus we can play later.

The Grimm whimpers and mewls in an almost pleading tone.

Y/n: *chuckles* ok ok I promise to visit you once initiation is over! Just chill! We've been besties for years I'm not going anywhere.

Y/n walks away but we are shocked at what we just witnessed. Y/n can talk to and almost domesticate Grimm!

Yang: Do you think that's his semblance talking to Grimm?

Blake: No that was something else... that was two friends speaking in their own languages.

*timeskip Y/n POV*

I finally found the ruins! They look ancient yet new at the same time. But I'm distracted by the relics or more accurately the lack of actual relics just different chess pieces.

Y/n: Really? Chess? *scoffs* Whatever... Black king it is.

I take my chess piece and start heading back when everyone and their mothers brother storms out of the forest. In the commotion Ruby and Weiss Schnee fall from the sky apparently after riding on a nevermore, who then pins Ruby to the ground with its feathers and goes in for the kill.

Yang: Ruby!!!!

Ruby: Aaaahhh!!!!

*Ruby POV*

I wait to feel the Grimm's talons ripping through me but it never comes. I open my eyes to see.... Y/n HOLDING THE NEVERMORE BY ITS TAIL?

(Yes birds have tails. It's used to help them steer without it birds can't fly)

Y/n: Hey why don't you pick on someone your own size?

Y/n slams the Nevermore into the ground behind him before jumping hard onto its back with a sickening crunch. He the stands on its head and grabs one of its wings.

Y/n: Since you cant play nice... *flesh tearing* ... You're GROUNDED!!! HAHAHA!!!!

Y/n ripped the nevermore's wing off! It would've been scary if Yang didn't ruin the mood.

Yang: Pffft Hahahaha! Grounded! That's hilarious!

Y/n: *smiles* Finally someone who can appreciate a good pun! And just my luck, she happens to be smoking hot too. If my birthday wasn't yesterday I'd think it was today!

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2022 ⏰

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