Adopting Sonic

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By the way in the 137 Universe The Timeline is different and Sonic Is 5 years old while Ami and Yumi is 14 years old and the type of adoption for The Station Square Orphanage is Big Brother Litter Brother Big Sister little Sister

Ami and Yumi was having Kaz drive to the Station Square Orphanage looking for someone to their companion Kaz told them they were "inexperienced" but Ami and Yumi Told him to "shut up and Get over it"

Sonic was playing with blocks at the Station Square Orphanage he did'nt really like being in the Orphanage because Even when He was minding his own business the adults and kids except for a Kid named Buzz and A adult which is the manager of the Orphanage named Peter Jon Peterson would bully because he can outrun a Black Hole making him have Super Speed.

Ami, Yumi, and Kaz then Arrived at the Orphanage

Peter: Hi I am Peter Jon Peterson manager of the Orphanage

Ami: We are here to find the perfect kid to adopt.

Peter: then right this way

then when Ami, Yumi, and Kaz saw a door open and saw A Blue Hedgehog sleeping in the bed

Kaz: what's that Blue One's Name?

Peter: That is Sonic Onyoshiki

Ami: I feel like He's perfect.

Peter: Wait Outside and I will bring him to you

Yumi: Okay Sur

Then Ami, Yumi, and Kaz Wait outside

Peter then goes over to Sonic and shakes him

Peter: psst Sonic wake up

Sonic: What is it?

Peter: You finally have a home

Sonic: Yay

Then Crusher, Diamond Fist, and Smasher heard about that they attempted to beat Sonic up but Peter had a feeling they would do that

Peter: I want you 3 to go to the corner and think about what you were attempting to do.

Crusher: You're lucky there are Two people that respect you Sonic

Crusher, Diamond Fist, and Smasher then does what they are told

Buzz hearing about Sonic finally having a home now and was happy for him

Buzz: Congrats Sonic I am gald You have a home now

Sonic: Thanks Buzz good bye

Then Sonic and Buzz hug each other

Then Peter walks Sonic outside to Ami, Yumi, and Kaz watching Sonic's back and holding Sonic's hand

Yumi: Why were you taking so long?

Ami: yeah why is that?

Peter: I had to deal with 3 of the kids attempting to beat Sonic up and it happens often even by my Employees

Ami: We will take Great Care Of Sonic

Yumi: we will

Then Ami and Yumi holds Sonic's hands walking him inside the Van along with Kaz walking inside the Van

Then when inside They saw Sonic running inside

But Then Sonic's tummy Growls

Ami Onkui: I think it's time to feed him

Yumi: good idea Ami

Then Ami and Yumi set Sonic on the chair and give him some Cereal he decides to eat It all.

Then Sonic yawns and so does Ami and Yumi

Ami: It's time for bed Sonic

Then Ami and Yumi Takes Sonic to a room they already setted up for him and they put him in the bed

Sonic: Goodnite umm Who are you guys?

Ami Onkui: I'm Ami, Ami Onkui and This is Yumi, Yumi Yoshimura

Sonic: Nice to meet you and goodnite Ami and Yumi

Ami: goodnite Sonic

Yumi: Yeah Goodnite Sonic

Then Ami sings Sonic to sleep

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