Chapter 11

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Daryl's POV:

I noticed that Hershel, T and Michonne went into the bus, we kept firing taking down the walkers in the field where our people were trapped. The governor and his second in demand got back in their pickup truck and let making the rest of his group follow. We didn't waste anytime running into the field and killing the rest of the walkers, Glenn got a car and went to the bus, Michonne was out first then Hershel and then they helped T out, her leg was bleeding a bit. I looked over to Rick and he gave me nod, I waited for them to get back up in the safe area where I can close the gate off. Everyone was in safe, and then Glenn drove up, soon as I closed the gates, I ran over to T, I opened the door, "what happened sweetheart?" I asked her while looking over her leg, "the asshole shot me in my leg," she was pissed. I helped her inside the prison where Merle was, he was gonna say something smart to piss her off even more. We all walked in, I guided her to Hershel's room so he can look at it, "come on baby, I gotta cut ya jeans, see what damage he done," I said carefully making her sit on the bed. Not a minute later, Hershel and Beth came in with Judith, Beth smiled, "she was fussing looking for you," she said making T smile at the baby. I sat next to T rubbing her back, Hershel sat on a chair in front of us, looking over her injury, "this will hurt but the bullet is in there still, looks like it will be easy to pull out, but you will need stitches," he said while still looking at her. I faced her, "you be okay?" I asked her. She smiled and then kissed me, "yeah, you sort things out with the group. I'll be in our cell after this," she had her smile on her lips. I gave her a nod and got up and walked out to Rick and the others. Before Rick asked, I bet him to it, "bullet is still in there, Hershel is gonna get it out and then stitch her up," I explained. Rick whipped his face, everyone was here, waiting to be what is said about the issues, "we're not leaving," Rick said. I looked around to see who was against the idea. Hershel came out, "we can't stay here," he said while whipping his hands on a rag. T must of went to rest, "what if there's another sniper? A wood pallet won't stop one of those rounds," Maggie protested. Beth came next to Rick with Judith in her arms, "we can't even go outside, and one of our own is injured. She can't help at the moment," Beth was talking about T. I looked down feeling guilty because I wasn't there to protect her. Carol stood next to me, "just not in the day light," she pointed out. Glen stepped in, "Rick says we're not running, then we're not running," he was always on Rick's side. I seen Merle come up the bars from the corner of my eye, "no, better to live like rats," he was gonna be a problem. Rick looked at him, "you have a better idea?" he asked. Merle straightened up, "yeah, we should have slid out of there last night and lived to fight another day. But we lost that window, didn't we? I'm sure he's got scouts on every road out of this place right now," he said. I turned my head to Merle, "we ain't scared of that prick," I was gonna stand up for my girl and my group. Merle looked at everyone, "y'all should be. That truck through the fence thing, that's just him ringing the doorbell. We might have some thick walls to hide behind, but he's got the guns and the numbers. And if he takes the high ground around this place, shoot, he could just starve us out if he wanted to," Merle explained. Before we could say anything back, I heard someone walk our way, "he's right. We don't know shit about this asshole, how he works, what he uses for defence," T came next to me. She leaned her hip on me, making me hold her around her waist, "shouldn't you be resting?" I whispered in her ear. She looked at Merle, "nah, don't wanna miss all the fighting," she smirked. I looked over to Merle and he gave her a nod, weird. Maggie turned to Merle, "this was all you. You started this!" she was angry, but she is right. Beth stood next to her sister, "what difference whose fault it is? What do we do?" she asked looking between T and Rick. Hershel leaned on the cell bars, "I said we should leave," he put his vote in. T turned to him, "what about the baby? If she doesn't have any bottles and cries, every walker will hear," she pointed out and I don't want Judith in harms way, T would never allow that or Rick. Hershel wasn't done, "Axel's dead. We can't just sit here," and as Rick was leaving, Hershel yelled at Rick, "get back here!" Rick stopped and Hershel walked over with his crouchers, "you're slipping Rick. We've all seen it. We understand why. But now is not the time. You once said this isn't a democracy. Now you have to own up to that. I put my family's life in your hands. So, get your head clear and do something."

Tj's POV:

Some wanted to give up on the prison, others wanted to stay. I want to fight and stay where it is safe from walkers, I have to, for me, for Carl, for Judith. Dad and Carl went outside where it is safe to do so, I went to my cell to rest, I laid down and heard boots come my way, "sore?" Daryl asked. I looked up the ceiling, "a little, nothing that I can't handle," I smirked. Daryl lifted my legs up carefully and sat down putting my legs in his lap. I signed, "you okay Dare?" I asked him. I heard him grunt, "with you next to me, I will be baby," he said then laid next to me, cuddling me, "I love you Dixon," I said closing my eyes. Daryl played with my hair, "I love ya too Grimes. Get some rest," he said before kissing my head.

After a few days, my legged healed good which made Daryl happy, we haven't had sex in 2 weeks, and we both hated it so, soon as Hershel said that, we were in the tower for half the day. We were laying in bed when we heard Dad come our way, "daughter of mine, you good?" he asked. I laughed, "yeah Dad, Hershel gave me the all clear. I'm back to being next to you," I said smiling. He came over and helped me up then hugging me, "good, cos' I could really use you right now," he admitted finally. I pulled back and held my hand out for Daryl. Dad was explaining the plans for the day, as usual, Glenn didn't want Merle with us and I was the one who had to break it up, "Glenn, Merle is staying, yes he fucked up, but we need him. He has the inside scope and Daryl needs his brother," I said. Glenn looked at me scared but I don't care, I was sick of their bitching. Daryl was pissed, "go, I'll sort it out," I ordered him. Daryl came me a nod and walked up the stairs to get his things, Glenn pulled on my arm, "seriously, T, I don't think Merle living here is really gonna fly," he protested. I looked down at my arm and yanked it out of his grip, "we are not kicking him out,' I hissed through my teeth. Dad put a hand on my shoulder telling me to back off a bit. Glenn then got into Dad's face, "I wouldn't ask you to live with Shane after he tried to kill you," I was gobbed smacked he even brought it up. But before we argued, Hershel came to us, "Merle has military experience, he may be erratic, but don't underestimate his loyalty to his brother," Hershel explained but that didn't stop Glenn, "what if we solve both problems at once? Deliver Merle to the governor. Bargaining chip. Give him his traitor maybe declare a truce," he suggested. I balled my hand into a fist, "he doesn't want Merle, he want this prison, us dead," I said then leaving.

I had a conversationwith Merle, he is our best chance at saving this place, he was a jackass until Iput him in his place. He is willing to help us so he can stay with our group, hisbrother. Dad came over, "what do you think of Michonne and Merle?" it was a questionthat no one asks. I signed, "she saved me from being dinner to the walkers, leadus to Maggie and Glenn, and even if we didn't know it at the time, she gave Darylback to Merle. She's okay by me," I was standing up for her, I will always givepeople chances until they throw me to the curve, and I know Merle and Michonnewont. I was in my cell, cleaning my crossbow, "baby? We need you outside now!" Iheard Daryl yell to me, I got my knife and put in on my hip and my crossbow inmy hands. I went down and seen Daryl unlocking the cell for Michonne and Merle.I ran up and went to Dad next to him. We all went out to the opening, Andreawas walking with a walker in pole heading up to us, "what the fuck? She'salive?" I asked. Merle went up and opened the gates, while me and Daryl were onlookout, Dad can handle her. Once she was inside the gate, dad shoved her inthe fence, checking to see what weapons she had on her. Michonne came closer, Iwaved her back and she did, Merle was looking out for any threats, I seen a bagthrown a way from us, Carl came next to me, and looked down at him, "what's upbud?" I asked him. I looked at me then back to Andrea, Dad made her stand upand we were walking back inside

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