Chapter One When Everything Goes to Hell

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Calm, soothing, stunning, all these words describe the starry night sky that looks through my window. I am currently sitting on my step next to my window with a smile of pure joy on my face. It is so beautiful this night that it is almost unreal. The forest looks like a green ocean as it surrounds my two story Victorian style home. The light of the full moon gleams down upon the Earth. It's light shines down on my home causing it's purple color to reflect the stars in the dark blue sky. Off in the distance, passed the ocean of forest, is the small town of Lunesta. My family and I have a strong belief that being away from the town is best for all of us, especially my little brother Simon. People in the town of Lunesta are not all the friendliest.

My long, dark red hair is picked up by the chill of the late summer air. The sudden chill causes my skin to bump and shiver. Even with the slight cold, my smile remains. This night is too perfect for it to ruin my good mood. I raise my body up from the step and hop onto my bed. I leave my window open so I can enjoy the summer night air. As I jump onto my bed, my books for my additional AP Algebra summer homework bounce on my black comforter. My best subject in school, besides dance class, is math. It is a very strange thing since most students hate the subject. For some strange reason though, math always came easy to me. I decided last year that I wanted to up my GPA and earn college credit so I took up an additional math course for the summer. Keeping up my grades is the only way I will be able to get into a great college like my parents did. A great college like Colorado State to be exact. Colorado State is my dream college for two main reasons. One, is that it has a fantastic veterinarian program and two, that is the college where my parents met. My mother was actually in a fashion program who is now a very accomplished designer. My father studied veterinarian sciences and is now a wildlife scientist. Because of him, I found myself wanting to follow his footsteps.

I look at my surroundings. My room is a beautiful emerald green color with old fashioned wooden furniture. I love nature, what can I say? I guess I can say that wildlife sciences are very likely in my future. I sigh with happiness as I turn on my back so that I am now facing my ceiling. Everything is perfect. My mother just got back from a fashion show in Paris. My father just got promoted in his career. Simon, my little brother, is about to start fourth grade. Me? I am about to start my Junior year of high school and about to start my Dance Company. Everything is perfect! It is the perfect life for Amber Conor!


The sudden loud noise causes me to jump off of my bed! I waited for what felt like hours when in reality it must have only been a few minutes. Maybe Dante knocked something over?


I jump at the noise again! My heart begins to speed up in pace. The sounds of the family dog, Dante, barks follow the loud noise coming from down stairs. I walk over to the door and press my ear to its wooden surface. I continue to hear only Dante's loud barks. I hear the door to my parents room open across the hall. My father's footsteps are distinct as they make their way down the steps of our beautiful house. I hear him gasp in shock! What is going on?! I open my door and make my way down the hall that hangs over the living room. I slowly make my way to the railing so that I can see the living room. Before I make it to the railing, I hear Dante yelp in pain. The sound of his hurt voice causes shivers to crawl down my spine.


The sound of my dad's shotgun going off fills the entire house. I fall to the ground and scramble back against the wall in fear. My heart is pounding hard against my chest. What is going on?! Two more gunshots are fired! Something slams against the floor hard! There is another loud crash! Fear consumes my entire body. What is going on right now?! Is my family being robbed?! Did someone break in?! I have to find out what is going on. I am on my hands and knees as I crawl back to the railing to see the scene that is causing chaos below. I am close to the railing, enough for me to see part of the floor of my living room floor close to the front door of my home. I am able to see my front door smashed to pieces! What could have caused that much destruction?! A movement catches my attention. I look on the wall next to the door. My eyes widen in shock! My body begins to shake with terror! Before my eyes is a large shadow of a huge dog!

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