Chapter Three Can't Get Away

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I look down at my desk, trying to calm myself down. Stress. Stress has to be the reason as to why I saw the wolf again. I shot it. The wolf is dead. I shot the wolf in the chest. There is no way that it could live through a shotgun to the chest, right? The bell rings and I jump at its sudden sound. I relax when I see my teacher, Mrs. Chadwick, enter the room. She walks onto the theater stage with a huge smile on her plump face.

"Welcome, class to Theater!" Mrs. Chadwick exclaims to everyone.

I can't help but feel envious of her good and cheerful mood. I just have to calm down and relax. I take a deep breath and focus my attention back onto my teacher's words.

"Today, I am going to assign scenes to partners. Each group of two will perform in front of the class and then tell us what message they have received from the scene." Mrs. Chadwick explains to the class.

A student raises their hand in the air. Mrs. Chadwick nods to the young girl to acknowledge her that she can speak.

"Mrs. Chadwick, isn't that a big assignment to start off the new year with?" The girl asks our teacher with curiosity.

I have to agree with the girl. This assignment is pretty big to start off the new year with. As well as a little nerve racking.

"Yes, it is a big assignment." Mrs. Chadwick begins to explain to the class. "In the world of theater, there are big parts that fall right into your lap at a drop of a hat! You must always be prepared for exercises and practices on a whim!"

I roll my eyes at my teacher's words. She is just so extravagant with her words and enthusiasm. It's almost sickening. I do love to act, however, acting right at the beginning of the school year is something different entirely. Acting to me, however, is a lot like dancing in front of a crowd. It's fun, exciting, exhilarating, and it doesn't help to have acting as a skill.

"Okay, lets see." Mrs. Chadwick says as she looks at her roster. "Annabel and Jake will get the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet. Drew and Crystal will receive the scene in Wicked between Elphaba and Fereo. Amber and Blake will do the Elephant Love Melody from Moulin Rouge....."

I look up at my teacher with widened eyes! Did I hear her right?! I am suppose to work with Blake Howl?! The hot guy?! You have to be kidding me right now! This is the one time in my life I am not looking forward to the performance. I look to see Blake sitting back in his chair with his eyes closed and his arms crossed over his chest. I look back at my desk and sigh in disappointment. This is just crazy. I can't believe this is all happening. Then I remind myself, this is all because of stress. This is all because of stress. This is all because of stress. Hopefully if I keep thinking it I'll believe it...right?

I look out of the window as Mrs. Chadwick gives out the assignments to the rest of the class. The day is very beautiful. The sky is clear from clouds and is a perfect blue hue. The sun is bright, gifting the earth with it's warmth. I look towards the fencing of the school yard and jump at the sight.

The wolf!

The wolf is standing there by the fence! I shake my head and look at the fencing again. The wolf is still there! Fear begins to consume me. The wolf is black, just as I remember. It's blood red eyes seem to glow even in the bright sunlight. I want to scream. I want to scream in fear! The sound won't come out! I am stricken with terror! I keep staring at the beast, unable to look away. It is staring at me. As if it knows that I found it. I see it showing its teeth as if it is smiling!!! As if it is actually smiling at me!!! That can't be possible!!! How did it find me?! Has it been searching for me?! No! That can't be possible! It isn't possible!

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