Distraction ( Chapter-18 )

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Location : In observation Lounge , Spacestar cruise
Time : Right Now

Kaizo and Sanaya were finally talking casually after so many arguments and fights in observatory Area of this cruise

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Kaizo and Sanaya were finally talking casually after so many arguments and fights in observatory Area of this cruise. Their conversation is so much more than words. It is the smiles, the gentle shrugs and the light in her eyes. That they are both elevated by each other's presence is obvious and even the silences are comfortable.

Sanaya talks calmly with him as There are tons of amazing, fantastic and beautiful things she can observe like stars clusters , nebulas , comets, starlines , ect....But a thought of reality suddenly hits her. She's not here on an Actual vacation right now , She's here to find Lisa and put an end to all this messed up situations.

" I think we gotta put an end to our conversation and start finding Lisa immediately."- Sanaya stated.

" Hmm... You're right. But where should we start from ?"- Kaizo asks her as he crossed his arms." This Spacestar cruise is massive and full of people and children."

"Whatever we do , We gotta be more careful than ever. We can't risk lives of thousands just for the sake of finding her ."

" Don't forget Lisa already killed more than 30 LAKHS citizens at Space business colony within just one week."

" You...You're right , Kaizo. She won't hesitate to kill here either. She might try to blackmail us by threatening people around us."

" Shall we go then ?"- Sanaya added with a nervous face as she walks further." We should start looking on....Deck 4.

Kaizo and Sanaya both passes by all the suites and cabinets in this cruise at deck 4 yet there's no sign of Lisa

They glanced around quietly as she noticed children playing , Family and friends talking , waiters and waitresses are busy as usual.

Kaizo let out a sign as he suddenly felt something wrong

" Are you okay ?"- Sanaya asked as she walks besides him calmly.

" I'm fine."- he replied as she felt some shivers run down his spine. He glances around as he felt someone is keeping an eye on them.

"Really ? You don't look fine ."

" Then stop looking."- Kaizo narrowed his eyes and looks suspiciously sideways as he found some men keeping an eye on them.

"  Are They someone criminals ? It's also possible Lisa told them to keep an eye on us. I think we should act more normal."- Kaizo thought seriously.

Sanaya just looks at him confusingly but then suddenly she spot something so he grabbed his hand and runs forward.

Kaizo gasped surprisedly as Sanaya was rushing while pulling his hand then they stopped inside the .... Shopping Promenade.

" WHOOO!! Kaizo just look around..."- Sanaya says excitedly as she spotted some cool stuff.

" Seriously ! "- Kaizo signed and mumered." Just for a change I thought she's smart enough and understood there are some suspicious group of people on this cruise but she just wants to have fun.

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