Chapter 17

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Crystal's POV


I woke up when a ray of sunshine shone through my closed eyes. Who would want me to wake up this early?

My bed this morning felt unusually more comfortable than usual. I opened my eyes slowly. Standing in front of me was a girl. About 2 years younger than myself. She had blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Hey, I'm Trisha" said the girl

"Oh umm I'm Crystal" I mumble. My voice cracked a little when I said it.

"You don't have to tell me! I already know" Trisha said.

"Wait how do you know me? Have I seen you before? I don't really find you familiar." I said

"You probably saw me around gang meetings years ago but people change over time and I really never talked to you because our gangs were always enemies" she replies

"Your from the Lion Gang?" I questioned her

"Yep" she said popping the 'p'

"But that still doesn't answer my question"

"I know you because Caine told me your name when he came in carrying you. You do remember you fainted right?"


"Well I'll let you get dressed. I put some undergarments, clothes and some flats. You can use the bathroom over there" she said pointing to the bathroom

"There is extra towels and other things in there placed already by the maid. If you need anything else just call number 5 on the phone and one of the maids will come up." with that said she turned around And left the room.

For the first time I looked around my surrounding. I was on a ginormous bed that had gold comforters and black bedspread.

The walls were painted black with a shiny gold colored slim line down the middle that ran across the room.

There was a large mirror and a dressing table. There were colognes, aftershaves, wrist watches and change scattered on it. On the side table there was a picture of three guys.

Reeve. Jay. Caine.

All three were smiling happily in the photo. Neither one of them had shirts on since the photo was taken at the beach.

I looked at the walls to find a photo on the wall. It was probably a family picture because it had Caine and Trisha in it. Caine looked like his dad while Trisha looked like a copy of her mother.

I went into the bathroom and stripped of the oversized shirt I was wearing. For the first time this morning I noticed I wasn't wearing me clothes. I brang the shirt up to my nose and smelled it to see if it was a clean shirt that I was wearing.

The scent of vanilla and forest filled my nose. I instantly recognized it as Caine's shirt. As much as hated to admit it but I loved that scent. His scent reminded me of all the things i want to do to him like-

I quickly shook those weird thoughts out of my hand. I stepped into the warm shower.


I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I opened the door and stepped into the room.


I bumped into the wall. No wait not the wall because e wall doesn't feel warm and comfy.

I looked up to see Caine standing there in front of me with a smirk plastered on his lips.

He backed up a little t look at me but stayed close enough that he invaded my personal space.

He looked at me up and down. His eyes showed nothing more than just pure lust. I looked away and blushed bright red.

I clutched the towel closer to my body as he got closer. His lips only centimeters away from mine.

"You know you look even more sexy when you blush." he sad breaking the silence between us.

"What are doing here? And don't look at me like that!"

"What are talking about? this is my house and you know you like it when I look at you like that. Don't de-

Caine didn't get to finish his sentence because in that moment someone cleared their throat behind him.

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