Chapter one - the meeting

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"Thomas" the teacher barked at him. Thomas rose his head tiredly "did you hear a word I just said?"The teacher stared at him a frown on her face. Thomas was a 16 year old boy who was 6 foot with blonde hair and blue eyes. Thomas stared back "whatever....." He replied "French is stupid anyway' the teacher gasped and stepped back. "You take that back" screamed the teacher spit flying onto Thomas' favourite jumper. "Do you mind?" Thomas said sarcastically. The teacher stepped forward and said "GO STAND OUT SIDE THE HEADTEACHERS OFFICE NOW AND CONTEMPLATE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE"she panted. Thomas stared at her, horror etched on his face. ""Thomas stuttered his confidence disappearing. The teacher stared at him '"NOW!!!!"Thomas got up from his seat and saunted out the classroom. As Thomas looked over his shoulder her bumped into a pretty brunette. Thomas saw that she had dropped an envelope huh he thought. "Hello? Girl?" He called down the corridor "you dropped your envel....."He tailed off as the packed began to move. Thomas peeped inside and he was shocked by what he saw. "good after noon penny" the mouse said "you have received an invitation for a 1st class party today at 12:00 don't be late!" But I'm not penny" called out Thomas but the mouse had already left.

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