For all eternity, before time and space came into existence, there was the Unown. The Unown was a void in which nothing existed but the Unown. Then it came to pass that from within the Unown, a single egg was created. The egg, suspended within the Unown, hatched and a magnificent creature was born. This Pokémon was pure and innocent, and the Unown loved their creation, for it was perfect. The creature, lived in harmony with the Unown, inside a bubble of purity, within the Unown. The Unown saw that it was good and bestowed the creature a name; Mew.
It then came to pass that the Unown saw Mew was lonely, and thought it was not good for Mew to be alone. So from Mew’s DNA, they created another egg, and this egg incubated within the bubble of purity. The egg hatched and another magnificent creature was born. The Unown loved their new creation and saw that this creature was good. The Unown bestowed the Pokémon its own name; Arceus.
The Unown then decided to create a universe, in which their new creations can thrive. The Unown created the earth, the sea, and the sky. The ocean enveloped the globe, a bubble of water, filled to the brim. From within the water, magma boiled and rose to the surface, solidifying into earth. Mountains rose and valleys fell. The Unown created the wind and the sky was cleared. Clouds formed and the Unown wrapped the world in light, creating the sun and the moon. The Unown speckled the night sky with stars, and they saw that it was good.
To Arceus, the Unown commanded that it create the logical world, so that the world can progress. Arceus, with its power, laid three eggs. These eggs hatched and thus, it came to pass that time, space, and anti-matter came into existence. To these three, Arceus charged with keeping time, space, and anti-matter in check, and it gave them names. To the master of time, Dialga; to the commander of space, Palkia; to the wielder of anti-matter, Giratina. These three ruled over the logical aspects of the universe and with them, brought forth progress.
To Mew, the Unown commanded that it create the living world, so that the world can thrive and prosper. From Mew’s DNA came forth all the living things of the world; plants to produce oxygen, and Pokémon to produce carbon dioxide, and the two shall live in harmony, providing for each other. The plants shall provide breathable air and food for the Pokémon, and the Pokémon shall provide breathable air and food for the plants. The Unown looked upon the world that was created, and they saw that it was good.
And so it came to pass that Giratina, wielder of anti-matter, looked upon the world and pondered upon its duties. It approached Arceus and asked “Are you satisfied with your duty? Do you not wish that you too could create life for this world, as you have created us?” Arceus looked upon the world and said “I long to create life for this world, but it is not my place. The Unown have commanded me to charge the logical world, and charge the logical world I shall.” Then Giratina said “But you are most powerful, capable of creating life as well, better life than that of Mew. Should you not be allowed to contribute to this world?” Arceus pondered this, and said to Giratina “I can create life better than this, and so I shall.” And so Arceus travelled to the living world, and from the ground, it produced humans. These humans were honored to have been given life, and built a tower atop the highest mountain, and they called it Spear Pillar. There they praised Arceus for having given them life, and Arceus was pleased.
Then it came to pass that the Unown learned of what Arceus had done. To Arceus, they said “We have charged you with the keeper of the logical, and yet you created humans.” Arceus said “I too can create life, and wish to contribute to the world.” The Unown said “You have shirked your duties, and now your creation Giratina wreaks havoc upon the living world.” Arceus looked and saw Giratina destroying the Pokémon that which Mew created. It tore them apart and ate them, feasting upon their bones. Arceus’ heart broke and realized it made a terrible mistake. It said “I have forgotten my duties and now Giratina runs wild. I shall make it right.” And to Mew, Arceus apologized and sought its help to subdue Giratina’s violent tendencies. They fought Giratina, while the Unown created the Distortion World, and together, they banished Giratina to the Distortion World, where it was to reside for eternity. The Unown then said to Arceus “You have righted your wrong, but you still shall be punished. You shall be trapped atop the Spear Pillar, that which your children have created for you, where you may look after them, but never shall you leave.” And so, it came to pass that the Hall of Origin was built within the Spear Pillar and Arceus reigned over the humans from its prison.
It came to pass that humans began to multiply, and the mountain became too small to hold them all. However, humans had no knowledge of the world, and began to fight over the land. Arceus saw this and beckoned Mew for assistance. To Mew, it said “My children have no knowledge of the world and fight over the land. Help me so they may learn.” With Mew’s aid, Arceus laid an egg and from that egg hatched three Pokémon. Arceus saw that the Pokémon were innocent, and smiled upon them, bestowing them names; Uxie, bringer of knowledge, Mesprit, keeper of emotion, and Azelf, creator of willpower. With these three, humans came to know the world, and the fighting ceased. The humans spread across the world, and for a time, lived in harmony with Pokémon.
As the humans spread across the world, many lost knowledge of Arceus, and this made Arceus sad. However, due to its confinement, it could not go unto the world to seek its children, and was forced to watch them go. The Unown saw this and fashioned a flute from the midday sky, that which played the most beautiful melody, and that whomever played this flute shall set Arceus free. And so the Unown hid the flute in the world, so that should a human seek Arceus, they shall return to the creator and fill the Hall of Origin with its sweet melody.
To Mew, a tribe of humans dedicated a shrine, for they knew it was the creator of all Pokémon. They worshipped Mew and dedicated their lives to protecting life. Mew saw this was good, and was pleased with these humans. And it came to pass that Mew bestowed a great honor upon these people, and gave them the ability to truly protect Pokémon. They were transformed into Pokémon with great power and spread across the world so that they may protect those in need.
And it came to pass that the Unown saw that the world was good, and created a shrine for themselves, and wrote their story within the shrine, so that those who discover the ruins may be bestowed with the knowledge of Creation. Their words shall remain for the ages, for all to find, so they may see and learn. And the Unown hid themselves within, and when the time comes for their knowledge to be discovered, the Unown will look into the seeker’s heart, and they shall be granted great power. For the world began with the Unown, so too shall the world end with the Unown, for they are the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, for all eternity.
Beyond the Adventure - A Pokémon Story
FanfictionCrono is a 17-year-old boy living in Goldenrod City who longs to escape the noise of the big city and see the world. One day, a strange Pokémon falls into his lap, sparking the adventure of a lifetime.