° 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗

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You woke up the next morning, running your fingers through your hair as you sat up in bed. Lily had called late last night, letting you know that she wouldn't be able to come in for the day. Stomach flu was a real bitch. You had assured her that it would be fine and you would close the bakery early again. You began getting ready, showering and putting on your outfit. A light pink long sleeve blouse along with a pair of black dress pants. You'd put on your apron once you got to the bakery. As you grabbed your bag, your attention turned to Steven's jacket, perched against your chair. 

You bit the inside of your lip for a moment, trying to figure out when you would be able to give it back to him. After all, you didn't have his phone number or anything. Your mind went to last night. How sweet it was of him to give you his jacket. For a moment, you felt like a princess. 

"Wait a minute" you whispered, thinking back to your conversation last night. 

He said he would be working late and wouldn't be able to come in. You were closing the bakery early and you knew where he worked, but would that be weird? No, he needed his jacket and you were simply returning it to him. You decided that after you closed the shop, you'd go over to the museum and give his jacket back. 

*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*𝟖 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒 𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*

The day had gone surprisingly well considering you were alone. It was busy, as usual, but you had managed to take cashier duties and baking duties. You pulled on your white jacket as you stepped out into the cool night. Steven's jacket was hooked onto your left arm. You pulled your hair out of your usual bun, beginning your walk across the street. 

The museum was beautiful. Outside, humongous pillars outlined the building coloured in white. You had never been to the London Museum yet but you were excited to step in. As you walked through, you felt your jaw slightly fall open. It seemed Egypt was the theme of this museum, for the moment at least. The depictions of pyramids and Egyptian gods were so interesting that you nearly forgot about Steven's jacket. 

"Hello, Miss? Just to let you know, we're closing quite soon" you heard a woman speak close to you. 

Turning towards her, you shot her a soft smile. "I'm sorry, I'll be quick. I'm actually looking for somebody. His name is Steven.." you trailed off, not knowing his last name.

The woman made a disgusted face and your attention turned to her nametag. Donna. So this was the woman that Steven had so much to say about. "I'll show you to him" she responded snarkily. Yeah, this was definitely her. 

She began guiding you through the museum, stopping just outside the gift shop. 

"That wanker should be in there, at the till" she pointed, before walking off. 

You stepped into the gift shop, gazing around at all the merchandise for sale. Your fingers brushed against a shelf of items before making your way towards the front cash. Steven was hunched over the counter, writing on a clipboard. 

As you took a step towards him, his head shot up, a small sound escaping his lips. 

"Bloody hell! You startled me" he joked, holding a hand against his chest. 

You, on the other hand, were dying of laughter. His face was a mixture of being absolutely adorable and absolutely hilarious. You bent over slightly, tears forming in your eyes from how hard you were laughing. 

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to" you responded, pulling the jacket from your arm and holding it out towards him. "I forgot to give you this last night so I thought I'd stop by to give it back" you explained, finally catching your breath. 

He smiled back at you, taking the jacket from your hands. "Ah, not a problem. Cheers. Let me know if you ever need it again" he joked, playfully holding it up. 

You chuckled, beginning to walk around the small gift shop. "This is actually my first time in here. This place is really cool".

"Is it really?" he asked, moving from behind the counter. "Well, I've got to give you your very own tour of the shop then".

He began walking through the gift shop, showing you figurines of different gods and goddesses and telling you all about hieroglyphics and pyramids. You could listen to Steven speak all day. He was so passionate about history and it was super attractive. 

"And yeah, that's about it" he finished, leaning his weight against the counter that the till was on top of. 

"Well thank you for the very interesting tour" you responded, gazing into his eyes. It was a few moments of silence as you stared at each other.

"I should head out, I know you're closing soon" you spoke, making your way out of the gift shop. You heard him clear his throat, walking next to you. 

"Um, would you want to maybe go out someplace? I mean, not like a date or anything unless you want it to be but um.." Steven began one of his tangents where he couldn't find the right words to say. 

A smile began to stretch across your lips as you watched him in amusement. 

"Are you asking me on a date, Steven with a V?" you asked, raising your right eyebrow out of curiosity. 

It took him a second to speak again. "Yeah, I mean, I know a really great Chinese down the street. If you like Chinese that is" he asked, his tone dripping with nerves and anxiety. 

"I'd love to. Who doesn't like Chinese?" you chuckled, running your fingers through your hair. 

Steven watched you with awe. He thought you were absolutely stunning, he would never be able to admit it though. The fact a girl like you was even speaking with him made him have a reason to be happy every day. 

"That's great then. Um, we can walk there after your bakery closes tomorrow. Would that be alright?" he asked, looking over to you. 

You responded with a nod, trying to resist the urge not to jump around. Steven was taking you out. "That's perfect". 

Inhaling, you felt a rush of confidence run through you and you leaned forward, lightly pressing your lips to his warm cheek. It was then that you noticed just how good he smelled. He wore the perfect amount of just a touch of cologne. As you leaned back, you could see them turning a pink colour that now matched yours. 

"Goodnight Steven with a V" you smiled, walking out of the museum. Leaving Steven standing in place, blinking his eyes as the realization of your action began to sink in. 

You had him hooked. 

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 [𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐱 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑]Where stories live. Discover now