Cross X Nightmare

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Art Above Is Not Mine And All Respects Go To The Original Artist
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(These stories will pertain to my own headcannons. This includes a dating headcanon of 'declaration')

Nightmare was sat in a study, reading deep into the lore of the Quetzal from Aztec times when the door was knocked on, he could only ponder who it could be when it was so late, almost three A.M he noticed. The door was gently rapped on again before opened and a skeleton peeking his head in. Nightmare snorted at the pristine skeleton with the jagged scar under his eye. Cross nodded his head slightly and swallowed air nervously despite no throat to swallow anything. Nightmare sighed and nodded in return, giving Cross the permission to walk into the study.

Cross waddled his fluffy-self into the room and shut the door, seeming to be hiding something inside his coat as he turned back to stare at Nightmare, then wander closer to sit in a chair in front of the desk. Then he seemed to deflate into his fluffed up hood. Nightmare cocked a brow at Cross and gently gave a circular hand motion to insist he continue on with what he wanted to discuss. 

Cross took a deep breath in and pulled out the hidden object, a box of a very rare tea set, to be clear it was directly the only one in the multiverse of its kind. Nightmare took a deep breath in as Cross slid it forward and bowed his head. He closed his eyes and took a few sharp inhales before speaking. "Nightmare, for three years I've worked for you, for two we have been friends, for half of one I had started to feel a clearance to you. My soul, my body, my love, my heart is yours... I want to declare to you, to become the most potential mate of yours... And to make my declaration clear, my gift to you is this set." He peeked up nervously to see Nightmare lost in thought...

The tar skeleton reaches forward and feel the box, then with delicate touches he opens the set and looks at the pristine china... He hid his mouth to keep the smile from showing and falsifying a look of ponder. Nightmare already knew of Cross' thoughts to declare, the boys weren't exactly silent about when a declaration was being pondered. He looked at Cross, feeling the nervousness ooze off of him. Nightmare wouldn't lie about his attachment to the monochrome skeleton, he grew what he could only call 'love' for him. Nightmare sighed and stood up, walking over to Cross's side and pulling his head to look up at him. "Cross."

Nightmare bent over to kiss and nuzzle his cheeks. "You've been accepted, I appreciate the Declaration, I await the trial period with patience and understanding. It is your right to defend your spot as a key mate. I shall await you tonight in my room for our first rest together." Cross let himself purr. Hearing the acceptance from the octopus himself made him so happy, he cooed out and licked up Nightmares cheek, nuzzling into the crook of his neck.

"I will await you for our first rest... My king."

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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