the plan

8 0 0

1 pm.

I wake up with a jolt. I think I had a nightmare, but if I'm gonna be honest, I don't really remember. 

Olivia's already gone, probably off to work. I'm left all alone in the apartment. 

We had a week off of school. It was spring break, after all. It was still early in the week, so I- thankfully, haven't wasted it all on all-nighters writing essays.

I check my phone like I normally do in the morning. Seeing the unread notification reminded me of the message I meant to reply to. 

"SHIT-" I roll off the bed, unplugging my phone and immediately texting back.

4 am

merebitch: hii, i hope you remember our half promise :>

1 pm

me: HIII OMG so sorry i was asleep, yes ofc i remember 



We talked for a long while. She was laid off, for the moment. So, we had all the time in the world (aka: a whole day) to catch up with each other.

She was still in France, with her partner, Pao. They have adopted a dog together, and are currently discussing adopting cats. She had been performing in local theaters for a while, and apparently, things were going great for her. 

Then, she talked about Pao. Mostly because I asked about them. She said they were doing fine. They were about to get their MD degree soon. I made a joke about France enabling their wine addiction, and she seemed to take it properly. Even agreeing with me. After that, the topic of our conversation finally returned to our half-promise.

merebitch: so about that half promise

me: ah right right

me: we promised to go to a cat cafe together didnt we? 

merebitch: yeah

merebitch: but idk how to do it since we're all in different places

me: we could meet either here or there :>  we're only a train ride away anyway

me: london's not that far i can ride a train to paris

merebitch: OH YEAH 

merebitch: what about the others though 

merebitch: seth has confirmed that she could fly here 

merebitch: idk about jay 😭

me: ofc u dont

me: who tf knows about jay HAHHAA

merebitch: AHSJDSA

me: has he replied? idk maybe we'll just see him there

merebitch: he has read my message but not replied yet

me: i see

me: you could just give him a location and he MIGHt show up, idk

me: when did u want to meet up anyway?

me: i have a tight schedule but i can go anytime this week bc spring break

merebitch: we can prolly do it this week? 

merebitch: lets meet up friday

me: alr

me: i'll go to paris asap :>



Our conversation ended there. I stayed up the whole day packing my items for the trip.  It took me a lot longer than I thought it would. Though, to be fair, I spend most of that time daydreaming about what could happen on that day. 

It took me so long, in fact, that Olivia managed to catch me in the act of packing. 

"Uh.. where are you going?" She asked, looking around the room and the mess I've made.

"Paris." I answer, shoving a bag full of toiletries down my suitcase. 

"Oh, really?" She knelt down beside me, helping me pack. "For the meet-up, I assume."

I nod. "Do you think you can come with me? I would love to introduce you to them." I look at her, practically begging her to say yes.

"I don't think I can." She smiled apologetically. I sighed, then gave her a light pat on the shoulder.

"It's fine, Liv. No need to worry. I'll just make sure to bring home some of that wine you really liked." 

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