Sunday, March 27, 2022

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From the second I wake up; I can tell that something is wrong. Today is different. I am guided into the restroom at 2 AM to the sounds of vomiting, and find Robert kneeled over the toilet. He is flushed and clammy.

Oh my god, Robert. Are you ok? I say, rushing over to him. At first, I get no response, but after a minute he speaks.

Yeah, Ill be ok. It is probably just some bug, or I ate something weird. He says as he gets up and stumbles back to the bed. I just have to sleep it off. Can you get my phone?

You sleep. I will call in to the school to get you a sub. I say, tucking him into the bed. He begins snoring as soon as his head hits the pillow and I go into the kitchen to get my phone. Because of the time there is no response, so I leave a voicemail, explaining the situation. Then I head back to bed.

It is a rude awakening when my alarm goes off due to being up at least once an hour, taking care of Robert. I get up regardless and make Abby breakfast. She walks out later than usual and eats unusually slow, looking as if she got almost no sleep as well.

You ready? I say, as soon as she finishes her breakfast.

I thought my dad was taking me today.

He was but hes really sick, so I am taking you.

Looks like my day is off to a great start, she says sarcastically.

Unless of course, youd rather walk, I suggest.

Be careful. Your mother-lessness is really showing right now. I say nothing. Abby is the queen of low blows but that was next level.

My mother disappeared when I was seven. She found out my father was having an affair and left, without me. As if that was not hard enough, 1 year later my he was found dead. He was a roofer and on one of his jobs, he lost his balance and fell. I was thrown into the foster system with families that only wanted to me to convince people they were noble. Abby knows all of this.

Youre walking. I slam my fork on my plate and walk out of the room. I will not be disrespected like this.

When I get to the bakery, I am already in a terrible mood. I use my phone to make sure Abby made it to school safely, and she did. On my break, I try to call Robert, but I am not surprised when he doesnt answer, since he looked so miserable this morning. I return to work, having a weird feeling in my stomach.

I leave work early to make sure Robert is ok and as I walk through my front door; I am not sure what to expect. I first check on Robert who is still fast asleep, however he has regained his natural color and it looks like he mightve done some work on his computer. I go up the stairs to Abbys room. When I knock on the door, there is no response.

Abby? I search the room, getting more frantic by the second. ABBY!

I pull out my phone to check her location, but nothing pops up besides the words, Location not available. I try calling, straight to voicemail. I text almost twenty times, not even getting a read message. I am to the point of dialing 911, when I hear the door open, and I bolt down the stairs. I can tell by the look on her and her boyfriends face that she is shocked to see me.

Mother, youre home early.

Hey Mrs. Brown. Her boyfriend, Tristan says to me. He has always been such a nice kid so its an odd pairing to say the least.

And you are late. What, Abigail? Where have you been? And why is your location off. I blow up at her.

I didnt know my location was off, sorry, she says as if it is no big deal.

Im just going to take these into the kitchen My attention is now drawn to the grocery bags in his hands. He gives her a strange look before heading into the kitchen.

You didnt think to call or text?

I didnt expect you to be home. Tristan had the idea to cook for dad since hes not feeling well so we stopped at the grocery store to get ingredients. She speaks. You know how service is there, thats probably why the location thing happened.

I must admit it is the nicest thing shes ever thought to do so I cant get too angry. She doesnt wait for my response to walk into the kitchen with Tristan. I grunt in frustration as I walk up to my room to change and wake Robert up.

Overall, dinner does not go terrible. I decide against eating for fear of Abby trying to poison me. Kidding. Kind off. Robert enjoys the food without throwing it up. Abby does not speak to me for the rest of the evening. We go to bed earlier than usual since the whole house is tired from the day. It takes me a while to get to sleep but once I do, I sleep deeply.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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