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I'm just gonna rant right now. Sorry if you don't care. I just need somewhere to get my feelings out.

I recently saw a post about a Pennsylvania high school hosting an anti gay day in response to the day of silence. For those of you who don't know what the day of silence is, its where people pledge to be silent for a day to represent the silence many trans, gay, pansexual, etc. people have to endure each day. students at my school supported this day by wearing rainbow clothing to support LGBTQ. Students retaliated by hosting an anti gay day where they even went so far as to create a lynching list of gay students and hung a noose on a teachers flagpole. you can look it the article up for more info. It makes me sick to know that people are like this. I don't understand how this can be in the mindset of some people... I didn't think it was possible for humans to become anymore despicable but I guess this generation proves that things really can get worse. I don't understand. Why can't people just accept others for who they are. It's disgusting. In my mind there is absolutely nothing wrong with this. That is, with being gay. If that is who you are, then you have every right to be that way. I am bi and it just hurts me to think that others are being treated like that....
I don't want to be human if this is the world we live in. Anyone want to come be a turtle with me?

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