AN- Incorrect Quotes

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Mi mind is running on fumes here sooo... here.

Alicia: Did you just refer to a knife as a 'people opener'

Fang: Should I not have?

Rudy: It's true tho-

Alicia: RUDY!

Jet: Can I ask a dumb question?

Roza: Better than anyone I know.

Jet: Hey!

Khai: Ali are you ok?

Ali: Yeah K, why do you ask?

Khai: You asked if painkillers worked on emotions.

Ali:Do they tho?

At a sleepover with Viktor

Ali running on 10hrs of sleep for the past week: Wait. Since trees are living do the feel pain?

Viktor: Ali GO TO SLEEP! It is 2am!

Ali: but do they feel pain?

Viktor:🤦🏻‍♂️omg Ali-

Gopal being dramatic: Betrayal tastes bitter!

Kopi: I ate one, one of your sweets. It wasn't even one you like, AND YOU CAN LITERALLY MAKE MORE-

Mika: You know I can't stand you sometimes.

Chris, not caring much about his life: Then sit.

Mika: HUH?!💢

Chris: Oh sh!t...


Moon: Now why would you go and say that Chris.

Kaizo: What's the most inspirational thing I've ever said to you?

Fang: Don't be an idiot, really changed my life.

Fang: You know those moments when I tell you something isn't a good idea-

Boboiboy: and I ignore you, yep.
Ganz being sexist

Ganz: I believe one problem with hiring women for spy work is that their frail and breakable.

Kopi: You sure your not talking about your title as the Kombat Pillar leader, or your hip?

Fang: You know what; you were asking for that.

Agent Geetha: I like Kopi.

Dayang: Hmmp, Me too.

Ghazali also running on fumes: What if I put coffee in my cereal instead of milk?

Ali quickly taking up the coffee pot: What if you don't.

Ali: I promised Alicia we wouldn't do anything stupid!

Bulat: Why would you lie to you girlfriend like that!?

Ali: She is not my girlfriend!!
Ali has always had a soft spot for cats

Ali holding an old box:What would you say if I came home with six kittens?

Victor: Ali what's in the box?


Alicia:What's in the box Ali?

Ali: I think you know.
Moon being adorable

Moon: I've got a round face with chubby cheeks because that have love stored in them!

Fang: Omg you're too adorable.

Kopi climbing up on Moon's shoulder: I want some love!
Ganz made Fang fight him (this might be in a following part)

Ganz being sexist again: You fight like a girl!

Fang: I've fought a lot of girls, that's a compliment!

Moon wearing Khai's glasses and Ali wearing Fang's: How do we look?

Fang and Khai: No idea.
After Captain Vargobas' defeat.

Gopal: Just forget about it. No one got hurt.

Fang: All of us got thrown into walls and hit with metal.

Ying: He nearly killed us.

Yaya: And almost got Ochobot.

Gopal: No one got seriously hurt.

Boboiboy: I was out for five days!




















I'll probably do way more of these

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