Stone Cold Store

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We walked into the little shop and spread out across the depressing, bleak aisles. This store wasn't like Quinn's or anything. This store looked like it was centuries old. It was dusty and I could've sworn there were a few cobwebs in the ceiling corners. The stuff being spelled was dusty but seemed to have decent quality. An elderly woman was running it. I checked the sign and it read:

Tao and Ella's shop

Tao? Odd name, but whatever. I went to a corner of the store. It was fairly empty. Only basic things remained. It was also very bleak and colorless. Well, I mean, other than the bracelet I found. It wasn't too special, but it was eye attracting enough. It was a bracelet made up of beads. There was thread hanging off of it holding a little gem close to it. The gem was a lime(-ish) green. It was surprisingly shiny and well-tended to. I decided to get it. I put it on, so that I didn't have to carry it around.

-Amara's POV-

The store reminded me of the "Ma and Pop's" shop from Amphibia. It was old, dusty, and rundown. Anyways, I went to the shelf near the register. Nothing much was here though. Other than some odd price of jewelry, at least. It was a ring. It was a silver-colored ring with a light blue gem laying on top of it. Nice. I decided to buy it. After taking it off of the shelf, I went to meet up with Kaede. I found him in the back corner of the store. "Hey", I said as I approached him. He turned to me. "Hey. Find anything?" I nodded as I took the ring out to show him. "Oh, wait! Look what I found!" He exclaimed as he held up a bracelet of beads. However, the beads weren't my interest. It was the gem. It was like the one in the ring. Cool. "Woah, fate. It's the guardian from Amphibia", I laughed. He laughed, too. We decided to walk around together from then on.

-Kaede's POV-

I walked with Amara to the back left corner and found a cool frog plushie. It was dusty, but still nice. It was pink and had orangish hair with a greenish jacket and black shorts on. The colors weren't very vibrant, because of the dust and age, but I was still interested.

"Cool!" Amara exclaimed

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"Cool!" Amara exclaimed.
There was the aforementioned pink frog, an orange frog with grayish hair, not sure if it's gray from lint and dust or if that color was intentional,

There was the aforementioned pink frog, an orange frog with grayish hair, not sure if it's gray from lint and dust or if that color was intentional,

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