Chapter 10 || Hot rampant sex

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Chapter 10 || Hot rampant sex

The first thing I felt when I woke up was the warmth of covers over my body. I loved that feeling. You know, when the room is freezing, but the bed you're sleeping in is all cozy warm. That was the feeling I woke up to, well for about thirty seconds.

After that short period of bliss everything started to hurt. Arms, legs, ankles, head, eyes, ears, boobs. You name it.

Okay, my boobs didn't hurt. But I was trying to make a point, give a girl a break.

I groaned as light seeped into the room.

The groan didn't help anything though, just emphasized how sore my throat was.

I seriously loved my life.

I rolled over so my back was facing the the sun, and oh the surprise I felt when I found a certain being sitting comfortably in jeans, sock clad feet, and a dark grey long sleeved shirt typing away on his laptop


"Are you going to stop staring?" He asked nonchalantly as he continued to type.

"What the hell am I doing in your bed?"

"We had hot rampant sex, why else?"

I gave him a deadpanned.

"Don't stare, it comes off as desperate and creepy. I know I rocked your world and everything, but no need to get clingy."

My mouth dropped open in shock.

"I'm pretty sure I was in too much pain to participate in any activity that, well took any physical energy. So yeah anyways, I think I'm just going to go..." I trailed off as I peeled the comforter off of me and swung my legs over the edge of the couch. But when I looked at my attire I realized something was drastically different.

"Why am I in boxers and an oversized t-shirt?" I asked slowly, anger dripping with every syllable that left my mouth.

"I don't think you actually want to know the answer to that question, April." He said. I looked behind me and the stupid dick was still typing away on his computer, not paying any attention to what I was saying.

I took a big breath, breathed out, closed my eyes and tried my best to calm down.

"Would you please tell me where my clothes are?" I asked.

"Pretty sure they went out with the garbage this morning." He said, still typing on that stupid damned computer.

"You know what, whatever. I'll just walk home in this." I said.

I stood up in a rush, the first two steps that I took I stumbled a bit. But I wasn't a weakling. I could walk home. Sure I felt like was going to crumple from pain, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle.

I limped towards the door, after a few moments I was close enough to reach the door knob.

"Where are you going?"

"Out this door."

"Did I permit you to?" He asked, finally glancing up from his laptop.

"Didn't know I needed permission from you." I retorted.

"Currently I hold the upper hand. So i suggest you stay in this room." he said to me, looking me straight in the eye. Then he looked back down at his computer and continued to type away.

"Dude, I have to get to school. I can't afford to let my grades drop. My Dad would get so pissed."

Murky eyes let out a sigh. Than back up at me. Setting his computer on the bed he got up from the bed.

"You can go to school," a smile started to grow on my face, "but, there are some conditions." I rolled my eyes. Did this guy seriously think he would be able to control me once I got out of this god forsaken place?

"Ugh, whatever. State the conditions." I said.

"I drive you to school and back home."

"Okay! That's great! Now can I go?" I asked.

"Uh uh uh, we're not quite done dumpling." he responded.

I rolled my eyes again, "Go on."

"You can't rat me out to the police. I have guys everywhere, and when I say everywhere, I mean everywhere. You go to the police and you won't want to know what will happen."

I sighed. What did I do? Get myself involved with the mafia?

"Okay, cool. Now can I please get going? I've got people to see, places to go." I said impatiently.

"Ah ah ah, one more thing."

I let out another big sigh for what felt like the millionth time.

"Spit it out." I ground out.

"I get a kiss."

A laugh bubbled out of my chest and I burst out laughing. What the heck was this dude getting at? Kid must be kidding. I bent over, hands on my knees, laughing. After a moment I stopped, trying to regain my breath. Laughing hurt like hell.

When I straightened back up and looked into his eyes there was something wrong.

He was actually serious about the kiss.

Well... what do you even say to that?

| WORD COUNT: 5'864 |

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