Incomparable Beauty (Horror)

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Authors Note: This is the first short story I am adding to this compilement of short stories. TW: Blood, Murder, and Weapons. I hope you enjoy this short story! 

Her mind twisted that night, it had changed her life. Her parents and older brother were murdered. No one but her knew the truth and she intended to keep it that way. Her name was Melody, everyone called her Mel for short. She was sweet despite what she had seen. She was smart, she had never had anything lower than a B in school. She was also quite beautiful, with brown eyes, auburn hair, sun-kissed skin, perfect teeth, and plump lips. Everyone thought she was perfect, students, teachers, and even people she didn't know.

She walked into class on a warm Monday morning and greeted her teacher like she always did. She sat down at her desk and had a few conversations with some classmates. Soon her eye was caught by a familiar male. Her heart raced and she couldn't help but think about him. She stood up and walked over to him. She was wearing a short-sleeve white t-shirt which she wore under a pink letterman jacket. Her jeans were skin tight and had rips in the knees. To finish it she had black and white converse.

The boy was tall and blonde with blue eyes. He had a confident smile as he looked at Mel. "Hey," Mel said and leaned against the wall next to the boy. "Hey," he replied with a deep voice. "So what are you doing, say, eight?" He asked and she grinned. "Unless you have something in mind, nothing." She was filled with excitement when he asked her out. She agreed and then the class started.

School ended rather quickly and she was soon getting ready for her date. She packed her purse, which was one of the backpack ones, and then got dressed. She put on a white crop top with a black mini skirt. She left her hair down over her shoulders and back. She put on pink lip gloss, light green eyeshadow, and mascara. She got into her car and headed to their meeting point.

They had agreed to meet in a place away from prying eyes. She soon came up to a barn in the middle of practically nowhere. She noticed his BMW and smiled as her heart started to race again. She got out of the car with her bag and walked over to his car. She tapped on the window and he opened the door. "Woah," he said when he saw what she was wearing. She grinned at his reaction and held her hand out, "Ready?" She asked and he nodded grabbing her hand. They entered the barn and almost as soon as they did his hands were all over her. "Slow down a little," she giggled and her heart started to race rapidly from excitement. "But you're too delicious to wait," he said but back up some. "Turn around a minute I have a surprise for you first," She said and he happily obliged.

As soon as his back was turned she got into her bag and grabbed an item. She walked up to him placed her left hand on his shoulder and smiled. "You ready?" She asked and he chuckled, "Anytime," he said and she giggled, "Alright." She took the item in her hand and jabbed his lower back right in his spine as she used her left hand to cover his mouth of screams. He fell back as blood started to come from where he was stabbed. She looked into his eyes, which were filled with terror and pain. "I love this look," she said in a cheery voice with a huge smile on her face. She was exhilarated and knew he couldn't move to see as she had stabbed to detach a part of his spine.

He couldn't move and he could barely speak through the pain, "What... what the hell M... Mel." He got out but she shoved the knife into his shoulder blade. "Is that any way to talk to a lady?" She asked with a pout on her face. "You're no lady," he said as blood stained his shirt. "Yes, I am, just a little... different than the others." She said and removed the knife from his shoulder as she slowly brushed it over his throat. She made a small cut over his cheek and sat down on his stomach, "See, you could have avoided this but you couldn't resist the temptations..." she started and then plunged the knife into his other shoulder. He screamed at the agony of the knife going into his flesh. "Of me," she finished and then her smile became wider as she was filled with excitement.

The blood was now covering a small circle around his body and she knew her fun was almost over. "Oh well, too late now." She said and shrugged. "Why me?" He asked knowing that death was drawing near, he was especially pale and he couldn't feel his body other than the pain of the wounds. "Because you were there, and willing to come with me to a deserted spot." She said with a chuckle, 'Honestly, how stupid can you be?" She giggled more and then turned back to him, her hair shining as she did so. "You'll be caught," he said as he felt his consciousness fading. "I think not," she said placing the bloodied knife to her lips. "Night night," she said and then plunged the knife into his throat.

He twitched a few times after his final scream but then he was gone. She looked into his dead eyes and pouted, "He died too fast," she thought and then got up to look at her outfit. "Now I have to burn this outfit, oh well," she said and picked up the boy's dead body. She dragged it to a nearby pit and threw it in without breaking a sweat. "Bye-bye lover boy," she said as she covered his body with lighter fluid. She then threw in a match and his body was set ablaze. After an hour or so she had the blood cleaned up and the body was almost completely burned. She didn't mind all the work, it was actually her second favorite part, besides the torture in her victim's eyes.

After all, was as it had been she put his remains in a towel in the back of her car and then grabbed a bike from her back seat. She liked this spot because she could wreck the cars and then take them to the nearest car lot. She first put on some cloth gloves and removed the license plate and all personal materials from the vehicle. She had been doing this for a few years and had learned a few tricks to keep her identity secret.

After that, she put it in neutral and pushed it down a nearby hill with a tree at the end. It was wrecked but not undrivable, she soon loaded the bike into the bike and drive it to the lot. She then dropped it off close but far enough away to not be seen and then rode her bike back to her car. She removed the gloves and placed them back into her trunk and put the bike into the backseat. She then headed on her way to the closest cemetery in the area she was in.

After she got there she turned on the flashlight on her phone and headed into the gates of the cemetery. She looked for a grave that had only recently been made and when she found one she headed back to the car. She took a drink from the water bottle she had in the front seat and then grabbed a shovel and the towel with the remains. She made her way back to the grave and quickly got to work. She dug until she reached the coffin in which the person was buried. She smiled as she threw the remains into the coffin with the person's now rotting body. 

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