Chapter 42: Among Us Logic: The Last Crewmates

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Gnome was aiming a gun at Player who had a scar on the left side of his visor and blue Y/n who had cyborg on the right side of his body.

Gnome: The next one's going between your eyes, you filthy Crewmates.

Player and Y/n avoided the lasers and hid behind the boxs.

Gnome: It's over, Crewmates! I have the high ground. Which means I'm gonna mess you both up!

Player started to shoot back.

Earlier that day.

The Airship was on a planet and the both the outside and the inside were nearly destroyed.

Player: This is general Player of the Airship, and I'm with my right hand man, Lieutenant Y/n. We're running out of supplies and food. And that's not the worst of it, the wi-fi is down too, so we can't even play video games, it's horrible. I am very, very bored.

Y/n: Player.

Player: Right. So anyways, is there anyone else out there?

Y/n: Please, give us a sign.

Player: We can't be the only ones left.

The whole thing was just a recording in communication and it was rewinding.

Recording Player: This is general Player of the Airship, and I'm with my right hand man, Lieutenant Y/n. We're running out of supplies and food.

Player stopped the recording before it could finish and Y/n was standing next to him.

Player: (sighs) Looks like nothing, as usual.

Y/n: Chin up, sir.

Player: How many times have I told you to stop being so formal.

Player leaned against the wall and sat down.

Player: (Narrating: My name is Player and the guy with robot parts is my right hand man, Y/n. We are the last Crewmates. And this, this is our story. It all started that fateful day, 20 years ago.


The Airship was in space facing the Skeld and a bunch of mini ships.

Player: (Narrating: The Empire had us outnumbered three to one, we had overcome worse odds before.)

A bunch of mini ships were also with the Airship and both Player and Y/n were in the main Airship without the scar and robot parts.

Player: This is General Player, all crew wings report in.

Blue with the viking horns was in the first one.

Blue: Blue ten, standing by.

Bro in the next.

Bro: Blue seven, standing by.

Hornsly in the next.

Hornsly: Blue three, standing by.

Bday next.

Bday: Blue six, standing by.

Freezy next.

Freezy: Blue nine, standing by.

Greaser next.

Greaser: Blue two, standing by. Heyyy.

Rookie in the last one.

Rookie: Blue five, standing by.

Back in the main ship.

Y/n: And Lieutenant Y/n is also on stand by.

Player: Man, we have a lot of blue characters, and that's not counting you, Y/n.

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