The Move

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"Mom, I promise I will be fine. You don't need to worry about me! This Job is my dream job! I won't be moving if I hadn't been accepted for it." Said Sage as she walked out of her room with her last box in hand and into the living room.

"I know sweetheart, it's just that you graduated college only three months ago and I am going to miss you so much. I promise to come visit once you get settled into your new apartment and job", mom says as she leans against the couch in the living room.
Sage stood there looking at her boxes as the reality sank in. She was moving out of her mom's home. Finally.

"Mom, help me load these boxes in the car and we can go grab lunch before I head out." Sage said as she picked up her car keys off the coffee table and grabbed a box to carry to the car.
Hesitantly, her mom picks up a box and follows behind her out the door. There was a moment of silence.

"So did The Manager tell you what the job would insist of? Or will you find out when you get there?" Sage's mom said in a sing song voice as she loaded the final box in the car.

"Um from what I was told, was that I would have to go through an interview with an assistant once I get there it's at some coffee shop, I'm meeting with a woman named Dianne Tallins, apparently she is some big hot shot assistant that everyone wants to get in with. Then after that, I am supposed to meet with Some man about job requirements and whatnot. They didn't give me a name for him. So I'm basically finding out when I get there. " Sage said as she ran inside and grabbed her purse and phone and hurried back out to the car where her mom was already waiting in the passenger seat.

Sage and her mom drove in silence. Thoughts of excitement and nervousness clouded Sage's mind. Just what exactly was the job that she was moving for? With very little information given about the position of the job and who she would be working for, Sage felt a strong urge of anxiety.

After twenty minutes of driving to her mom's favorite restaurant, Sage and her mom got out of the car and went inside.

The waiter sat them down in a booth in the back corner.

A few minutes after being seated, Sage's eyes go wide as she sees someone she wasn't expecting. Her boyfriend whom she has been with since her freshman year in college. Liam.

Liam was tall, had short brown hair, a muscular build to him. He had money. Lots of it. He was the man that all the girls swooned over. The youngest self made billionaire at the age of 19.
Liam who is now 23 and owns his own global Record Company, Coastal Records, and works as the CEO at it, spot Sage and her mom in the corner and walks over.

"Sage is everything okay? You seem distracted." Her mom said as she looks from her daughters eyes to where Sage was staring.

"Liam's Back?!?! Mom he's coming over here. I'm not ready to see him yet. It still hurts. " Sage says as a panic look takes over her face when she sees Liam walking towards them only a mere few steps away.

"Sage, Brenda. What a coincidence? Sage you look good after all this time. You've grown up more since the last time I saw you. How has everything been?" Liam says as he scoots into the booth next to Sage and drapes his arm around her shoulder.

Sage looks between her mom and Liam. Awkward silence filled the air. Liam has been in New York at his record company up there for the past 3 months.

After a few minutes of awkward silence Sage finally speaks up.

"Liam..What are you doing here? I thought you were in New York with your 'new' girlfriend. What did she not satisfy you enough that you had to run back here to me?" Sage said with a devious smirk and a raised eyebrow. Liam chuckles a bit.

"Haha Sage, funny as I remember. No Kelsey and I broke up. Found out she was actually in another relationship while being with me. They were engaged. But that's not why I came back. A little birdie told me that you are moving to New York. I didn't believe it but I wanted to come find out for myself. Is it true?" Liam says as he leans back against the seat with a raised eyebrow.

Sage waits a few minutes. Looking at her mom who is still in shock over Liam being there. Sage looks down at the menu in front of her before answering.
"And what if I am? Why do you care? You're the one who left me after a one night stand and promising me the world and a life together just to run away the next day with my 'so-called best friend' to the Big City." Sage retorts with a bit of anger and sarcasm in her voice.

Liam looks taken aback. He couldn't believe that Sage still had so much anger inside her. It was like she was a different person when she was angry.

"I care. I've always cared. I never meant to hurt you. I'm not here to ask for your forgiveness. But I am here to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I made promises that I couldn't keep. I really did like you. But you were so hell bent on shutting me out and pushing me away and keeping all these secrets. I never wanted you to feel like I was using you for just sex. So I'm sorry for the pain and hurt I've caused you. Sage, I'm really truly sorry." Liam says with a defeated tone.

Sage takes in all that Liam just said.
"Liam I gave you everything! Everything! My love, my affection, my body, My Virginity! All things that you give to someone you wanna spend your life with. I thought that was us. I thought you were the love of my life. You're right. I won't forgive you for all you've taken from me. I won't forgive you for the pain and the hurt and betrayal. What I can do is get out of this Little town and get a fresh start. I accept your apology. However I will never trust you, or believe what you say without going against my better judgement." Sage says as she pushes her way out of the booth.

"Mom I'm sorry this lunch didn't go as planned. But I have to go. It's a 10 hour drive to New York from here and I won't wanna get there after midnight. I love you I will call you once I get there." Sage says as she kisses her mom's forehead goodbye for the last time. She turns and storms out the door.

This was it. The Move. The beginning of a new life.

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