New City, New Life

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After a 10 hour drive from your little town of Allendale, I finally arrive in the Big City. It's close to midnight. I decided to stay at a hotel and meet with the realtor first thing in the morning to finish signing paper work for the apartment.

Once I checked into the hotel room and set my bags down I flopped down on the bed. Oh, so relaxing. The bed felt like I was laying on a huge soft cloud. I quickly got up and changes into my pajamas. After getting ready for bed I got under the fluffy covers and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up to birds chirping outside and the bright sun peeking through the curtains. I looked at the screen on my phone. My eyes grew wide. Fuck! I was late to meet the realtor at the apartment complex. I scrambled out of bed, took a shower and got ready for the day.

On my way over to the apartment complex, I stopped at this danty little coffee shop. I walked in and was surprised at the quiet and peacefulness that was there. As I'm walking up to the counter my phone goes off. Ping! I look in my purse and pull out my phone. My mom had texted me. I put my phone back in my purse and looked up as I approached the counter. "One Americano please." I said with a polite smile. "Sure thing miss. Oh and don't worry about paying. Your coffee has been paid for already before you approached the counter," the barista said as she smiled and nodded to someone over my shoulder sitting at a table in the corner by himself. I glanced over to see who she was looking at.

Oh my! The man in the corner was one of the most Gorgeous men I have seen in like forever. He had on black skinny jeans with holes in them, a white T-shirt a black leather jacket, two nose piercings in his left nostral, black hair that touched his shoulders and little tattoos on his arms, hands and fingers that I could see. He had the most beautiful hazel eyes and the sun hit them the right way. When he felt me staring he looked up and our eyes met for a moment, a smirk appeared on his face as his eyes met mine. I felt my cheeks getting redder and redder by the minute. I had been so intrigued by this man that I didn't hear the barista trying to get my attention.

"Ma'am, hello, your Americano is ready." She said as she tapped my shoulder. I spun my head back around. "I'm sorry I zoned out for a moment." I said as I looked back at the mystery guy who bought my coffee. "Word of advice, stay away from that one. He is what some would call a 'troublemaker' do not get caught up with him." The barista said as she handed me my coffee. "Thank you, I will keep that in mind. Have a good day." I said as I grabbed my coffee from her hands and started sipping it as I walked towards the door. I glanced over at the table where the mystery guy had been sitting. He was gone.

As I opened the door to walk out of the coffee shop, I trip over the door step and fall. I don't hit the ground, instead I fall into a pair of firm arms, all I see is black leather and hand tattoos. Could it be? I glance up and look at the person who caught my fall. His face was beautiful. Those hazel eyes, that defined jaw line, the way his hair fell around his face. He had a smirk on his face as he stared into my eyes and helped me up. It was him. The guy from the coffee shop.

" It's not everyday you have a pretty girl falling for you. I'm Samuel." He said as he
extended his hand out for a shake. I felt my cheeks get red at that comment. Was he flirting with me? No. He would never flirt with someone like me. I'm plain and boring. But him, something about his aura exudes mystery and excitement. It's making me intrigued to know more about him.

" Are you gonna stare at me all day or are you gonna say something?" He says as he lowers his hand and stuffs them into the front pocket of his jeans.

" I promise I didn't mean to stare. I'm Sage. Thank you for catching me before I embarrassed myself. And wait....did you say I'm pretty?" I say as I raise an eyebrow at him. My cheeks start burning red again. I've never recieved such compliments. Liam never complimented me. Our whole relationship. He always said he had loved me but it was a lie. That was when I vowed to stay single.

"Well Sage, yes I did in fact call you pretty. And next time just watch where you step. There may not be a hot guy to save you. By the way, Sage...where are you headed?" Said Samuel as he turned and started to walk towards the parking lot.
I walked with him. "I am supposed to be meeting with a realtor at the Riverside apartment complex." I said as I pulled up a map on my phone to see how long of a walk it was going to be.

"Um...what are you doing? I could just give you a ride." He said as he pulled out his keys from his pocket. "Oh I ...I appreciate it but it's not a far walk. Plus I don't have to be there for another 45 minutes. I also don't accept rides from strangers." I said as we approched a black car. My jaw dropped. No way! He had my dream car. A 1967 Chevrolet Impala. "This is not your car!" I said as my eyes widened. Maybe getting a ride from him isn't such a bad idea after all.
"It is my car, and you are not walking. Get in." Samuel said as he opened up the driver's side door and got in. He reached over and unlocked the passenger side door.

"T-Thank you..." I said as I opened the door and got in. My eyes roamed around the car. It was a true beauty. It fit Samuel well. "This is my dream car and now I get to ride in it! That's so awesome!" I exclaimed as I rubbed the leather seats.
"So...where are we going?" I said as I raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

He raised an eyebrow and looked at me with a smile on his face not saying anything as we drove away from the coffee shop.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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