Chapter 28

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Oobleck: Ladies and Gentelmen for today's match we have a special one for you.

Port: Yes, as you all know the organization Chaldea is tasked with protecting the citizens of Vale and everyone here during the Vytal Festival and they're doing quiet a good job at it.

Oobleck: So Ozpin the Headmaster of Beacon and the Council have decided to test the skills of the people in Chaldea.

Port: Yes and we have competitions from the 4 Kingdoms, for Beacon we have Teams RWBY, NPR, CFVY, and CRDL, for Haven we have Teams SSSN and ABRN, for Shade we have Teams BRNZ and NDGO, and from Atlas we have Team FNKI and a two man team with Penny Polendina and Ciel Soleil. We also have Winter Schnee and the Ace Ops joining this fight as well.

Oobleck: And now would all competitors head towards the arena.

In the arena all the students, Ace Ops, and Winter are waiting and readying themselves up as they wait for their opponents. Teams RWBY, NPR, and CFVY are all taking this fight seriously while the others not so much.

Pyrrha: Alright guys we need to keep our guard up. There's no telling who Jaune would summon.

Coco: If he brings one of the strong Servants we need to essentially gang up on them. With the Magecraft there's a good chance we can distract them. Then once we find an opening we take it.

Ruby: And what about them?

As Ruby points at the other teams.

Coco: Bait. They are going to underestimate the Servants especially the Ace Ops.

Ruby: Weiss, Yang we need you to be support. Since you don't have access to Magecraft.

Yang: Oh come on, I can't join you guys in this fight.

Pyrrha: You need to remember you can't use Magecraft so hang back and try to distract them.

Coco: Oh by the way me and Nora got these.

As Coco and Nora brought out a bunch of jewels.

Weiss: Where did you get that?

Fox: Was this Merlin's doing?

Coco: No, we "borrowed" these jewels from Ishtar. Gilgamesh (Caster) and Enkidu helped us with this.

Yatsu: You sure Ishtar won't get angry?

Nora: Nah it's fine.

In Chaldea

Ishtar is in her room and opens a drawer where she keeps her collection of jewels and to find it all gone.


In the Stadium

Nora: Yup probably fine.

Ren: Nora.

Port: Attention to all competitors your opponent has arrived.

Everyone looks at the other side of the arena as Jaune walks towards the students, Winter, and Ace Ops.

Harriet: Are you suppose to be our opponent? You don't look so tough.

Winter: Harriet don't underestimate him.

Harriet: Why? It's just one guy.

Clover: Is he part of Chaldea?

Winter: Yes.

As Winter holds her new sword that was replaced.

Brawn: It's him.

Nolan: We need to keep our guard up, his Semblance is strong.

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