Chapter 1:The Beggining

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A tall blond man with blue eyes is currently watching his daughter train with his wife.This man is Minato Namizake,The Yondaime Hokage of Konoha and famed as The Yellow Flash.His wife is training her daughter in Taijutsu,His wife's Name is Kushina Uzumaki Namizake,The Red Death of Konoha.Their daughter is finishing the Taijutsu katas with punch kick kick punch kick.

"Look kaa-san Tou-san,I finished it!"Their daughter exclaimed,her name is Narumi Uzumaki Namizake.

"Your doing great Narumi-chan,Keep it up and you will be a great kunoichi in no time"Minato said smiling at their daughter while Kushina is grinning widely.

"Why dont we go out and eat to celebrate"Kushina said,Narumi then happily nodded and drag her parents out.Minato and Kushina just smiled at their daughter's antic.They didnt even realized they forgot someone.

This someone is Naruto Uzumaki Namizake,The son of Kushina Uzumaki Namizake and Minato Namizake..Naruto is like a Mini-Minato except for clothing.Naruto watched his parents retreating figure.He just stared at them impassively but on the inside he is sad.

'Why dont they even noticed me'Naruto thought sadly

"Why do i even care?they will never notice me now.They wont even train me."Naruto said to himself.

•Flashback:3 years ago•

"Tou-san why cant you train me too like Narumi?"A 5 years old Naruto said to Minato while he is ignoring the smug look on her sister's face.

"Because Narumi need to defend herself while you have the kyuubi to protect you!"Minato said to his son impassively

"B-Bu"Naruto was cut off by her Mother Kushina.

"No buts,Your father will train you if he feels your ready,Now Go to your room"Kushina said to Naruto who look like is about to cry.Naruto didnt want to argue with his mother so he just nod and headed to his room. 'Just because i have the Kyuubi doesent mean i'll automatically become a super ninja'Naruto thought sadly

•Flashback End•

After that day,Naruto never asked any help from his parents,He just trained on his own,secretly of course,his parents would be pissed off if they found out that he is training when they clearly said not to..

Naruto concealed his chakra to zero and enter their library to leave no trace of him being there,He copied all the jutsu and he got out of the library.Then he headed to his room to train.

'Today is October 9,Tomorrow will be mine and Narumi's birthday'Naruto thought.Naruto would barely get presents,just one or two while His sister got plenty.

Then he decided to sleep early for tomorrow.


A/N:So what did you think of my story?This idea popped in my head after reading Naruto being neglected by his parents in the website Fanfiction.I just decided to write here though.

Ja Ne,TheYellowFlash11811 out!

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2015 ⏰

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