The Bad Guys Are Back

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Few nights later, the Bad Guys made their vigilante jobs as their own secret business. With everyone preparing themselves for an unexpected mission.

Tarantula was busy hacking with her laptop as three more screens popped out.

"Alright, Webs, what do we got?" Wolf asked while watching her hack.

"I only hacked into few cameras in the cities for now. I need more time with the rest of the cameras," Tarantula answered.

Wolf clapped his paws together happily, "Perfect. Then, we should continue with the job."

Meanwhile, Shark and Piranha were lifting dumbbells, and Hornet was polishing his helmet.

Shark then wondered, "I wonder what mission we're going to go next!"

"Whatever it is, it would be so fun!" Piranha jumped excitingly as Shark and Hornet laughed in response.

While Snake was slithering to the fridge, and before he could open it, he was staring at the photos of him and his best friends, admiring their good memories together. He then opened the fridge to get a pitcher of water. When Snake poured the water in the glass, he put the pitcher down, and took the glass of water to drink it. While he was slithering with the glass of water, he bumped onto an old newspaper on the floor. He looked down, and backed away a little to get a look at a newspaper. He put the glass down on the table, and picked up the newspaper. The newspaper was dated years ago, and the headlines were about them: The Bad Guys. The front cover was about them, driving away from the cops with the bags of money they stole. They all were so happy, and enjoying their lives back then. He looked at each of his friends with happy faces; Snake saw himself sticking half of his body out the window. Piranha was below him, pointing forward. Hornet was above him, flying and was never inside the car. Shark stuck himself out of the sunroof while Tarantula was on his shoulder. And finally, Wolf was taking the wheel. Those were the good times they had back then.

Snake formed a smile across his face. They were having so much fun, and robbing banks and stealing stuff made them closer every day.

Just then, Shark, Piranha, Tarantula and Hornet crowded around Snake to see what he was looking at.

"Watcha got there, Snake?" Tarantula asked.

Then, the rest of them had their faces dropped when they looked at the newspaper. They looked at themselves at the front cover where they got away from the cops with the money. In public, everybody knew that what they did was so bad, but for the 5 members, they didn't themselves as bad at this one. They only saw the bond and fun they had together. They were all so happy, and the photo itself made them smile.

"Aaaww, the time when we were still criminals," Piranha good.

Shark wiped a tear, and sniffed, "Good times."

Just then, Wolf approached them, and said smilingly, "Alright, guys, we better rest up to prepare for our next unexpected mission," But then, he saw the sad looks on his friends' faces when they stared down at the newspaper again, "What's wrong, guys?"

"Umm," Snake quickly put the newspaper down, and hid it under the table, "Nothing, buddy. We were just um... tired from our crime fighting. Right, guys?"

The rest of the team snapped out of reality as they shook their heads.

"Uh, yeah, Wolfie, we're just..." Tarantula fake-yawned, "Really tired."

Piranha stretched his arms wide, pretending to be tired," Yeah, chico, it's very tiresome."

"I do need some sleep in my room," Shark said.

The Bad Guys: New Beginnings, New NormalWhere stories live. Discover now