"Soo. How do you like Niall. Considering he is like in the BIGGEST boy band ever!!? And since you've wanted to meet him ever since you saw him on your poster for the first time!?" Ella asks eagerly.
Wait!!! That is where he is from!! That is why he looks so familiar!!!
"Wait!! That is...." But Ella quickly answers by nodding her head.
"HOLY MOTHER OF FREAKING FUDGE!!! Why didn't I notice that earlier!?!" I ask very mad at myself.
My strange,childlike thoughts are interupted...YET AGAIN...by Niall and Louis this time. They both are holding phones in their hands.
"Um. Well we wanted to know if we could get your girls numbers so we could, you know, hang out sometime..." Louis says surprisingly not in his child like ways....
"SURE!!" Ella says sorta happily at the thought. She quickly whips out her iPhone out of her pocket and chucks it to Louis. He catches her phone just in time. If zhe were to break that, it would have been the 3rd phone she broke in the past 2 years.
So I just hand Niall my iPhone, just to be safe. He hands me his and I take a silly pic and type in my number. he does the same thing. we exchange phones so we hace our own now. I think Louis told Ella something and made her laugh. Typical Ella. always laughing.....
The boys are just standing there not saying anything. It is silent but not an awkward silence,,, wait. Yep. it is awkward.
'She's not afraid of all the attention,
she's not afraid of running wild!'
My phone rings. Note to self:
Niall and Louis obviously NEED to make fun of me by dancing around the room singing it also. Inmature boys.....
I quickly got for my phone sitting on the night stand, but Niall just HAS to get to it before me. Another note to self:
Remind Niall payback is a b*tch.
Before he pushes to answer button, I see it is my other friend, Victoria.
Oh no......
''Helllllooooooo?'' Niall says,sending me a smirk. In return I send him the BEST daggers possible. I would make a great actress one day.....
''Hello? Is this Zoey's phone?" I hear Victoria say from the other end.
''No. Imma sorry. This is...um...Niall's pizza shop?" Niall says in an italian accent but lossing it toward the end.
''Um. ok? well. sorry. bye?" My other friend Rebecca states. I noticed it is on speaker. Darn them
they hang up first. I think Ella saw the anger in my eyes and gave Niall a fair warning. ''RUN!!!"
And with that,Niall takes off running at full speed down the hall. I take off after him. noticing Louis taking out his phone.I think he was recording. Yah fool. You better record your band mate getting the BIGGEST whoping of all time
''WOW!!!! STOP!!! I'M SORRY!!" Niall yells back
''Wow. you sound just like my mom!" states I think was Harry. Wow. We are in the kitchen and Niall stops. Grabbs the closest thing. which happens to be a wash rag. Wow nice going Niall.......
LifeSaving Car Crash
FanfictionZoey and her friend Ella soon discover that this Valentines day turns from the WORST to the BEST when one direction finds them on the street... Literally and they discover they are laying on their couch soon later.