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The Mori and Conan are invited by Sonoko to the museum where Jirokichi displays a strange treasure discovered in a ruined land. When they met Sonoko's uncle, they discussed the upcoming display date of the treasure.

Mori: So what kind of treasure do you want to display this time?

Jirokichi: Glad you asked Mori. The treasure this time is more special than the ones I've owned before. These are strange "feathers" found near a ruins in Europe or more clearly Kolostein. They are not only intact in those ruins, but they also glow in a fanciful way that seems to attract anyone looking at them. More strangely, those who directly touch the feathers with their hands will experience a terrible headache, it will only stop when there is no longer contact with the feathers.
Jirokichi: I received a challenge letter from Kaito Kid, he said that on the day of the exhibition he will visit.
Jirokichi: But this time, besides the help of Detective Kogoro and Conan, there is a special guest participating in this challenge
Conan thought to himself, "a special guest?"
Mori: It's not necessary. This famous detective Mori Kogoro can quickly detect the Kid and protect the treasure.
Conan: "What are you kidding, old man".

Jirokichi: Hey Mori, don't you even know that Kid can get away every time thanks to you? This time I just need you to help distract the Kid. The detective I hired this time is a living legend who terrorizes the criminal world in British lands. Mr. Watson... you can come in now.
After that, a person walked in who had tied his hair up in a high ponytail wearing a light brown jacket, white shirt, jean shorts, leather heels, leather gloves, purple necktie, mittens brown hands and a monofocal.
???: Watson. Looking forward to cooperating- The person spoke without showing anything on his face but seriousness.
Sonoko: Look Ran, he is handsome.
Ran: I guess? But he shows me the feeling of a seasoned detective more than my father even though he looks so young.
Watson overheard it so he thanked while showing no emotion.
Conan: "Like Ran, I feel like this person is extremely experienced. But I forgot to pay attention to the news in England, looks like he's just gotten popular recently. Watson seems to be fluent in Japanese, he seems to have been here for a while."-while lost in his thoughts, Conan noticed Watson's gaze fixed on him while Mori and Jirokichi were still discussing.

Although there was no basis, Conan's mind was reminded of the black organization, he suddenly felt wary of the other guest, planning to contact the doctor and Haibara about this matter.
Jirokichi: That's the plan. Everyone can go back to the hotel. Watson, you should also prepare to rest, tomorrow is the time to show Kid what it's like to play around with Suzuki Jirokichi.

After everyone headed to the hotel that was paid for by Sonoko's family, everyone talked about their upcoming encounter with Kid.

Sonoko: Hey Ran, did you know a few days ago suddenly my uncle received a call from Watson himself, he actively asked for cooperation to catch Kid. I did a bit of research and learned that his nickname is hawk of the fog because he often works in the foggy country of London, in addition, often solves the most difficult cases, and Watson's martial arts really aren't average.

Ran: Watson works without an assistant?

Sonoko: Yes, he solves the case and is also in charge of catching the culprit.

Ran: Come to think of it, Watson has the same name as a character from Sherlock Holms that Shinichi reads about, if he were here, they'd get to know each other pretty quickly.

Conan: "Actually, I'm right here... but Watson is definitely no ordinary person, single-handedly terrorizing criminals in the UK and Europe... I need to be careful, the way he looks at me is totally off.".

Mori: Well, that brat terrorizing criminals in England, I'm terrorizing criminals in Japan, after all, that brat is just a rookie compared to a famous detective like me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2022 ⏰

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