Happy anniversary

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Meredith pov:
It's 2006, So Derek moved to DC to do a brain mapping thing with the president he divorced Addison and left now things are a little tricky between the two of us she just gets on my nerves sometimes but I do really like her and today is the 22th of May which means that it's been exactly a year since I met Addison so even though we don't get along all the time I am going to surprise her.

"Hey Dr Webber I was wondering if I could be on Dr Montgomery's service today?" I asked Richard "Yes, Meredith. What's the occasion? Are you interested in Neonatal?" He asked "Oh God no, but it's our anniversary" I explained "Your what?" he choked "No we aren't together or anything it's just today's the day I met her a year ago and with everything that's gone on this last year with her divorce and Derek breaking up with me and him leaving to go work in DC I just feel obligated in a way to celebrate it" I told him "Well that's very grown up of you Meredith, but go now or you'll be late for rounds" he smiled " and good luck" he added "Thank you" I said turning to leave his office.

It was still pretty early so I went to find Mark. "Good morning Dr Sloan"I smiled "Morning big Grey, hey do you know where Karev is I want a cappuccino" he groaned "I have no clue. Anyway I wanted to ask what flowers Addison likes?" I asked timidly "Niceeee , are you into threesomes, because I'm down" Mark smirked "You do realise you're dating my little sister? Just answer the question" I said blushing furiously "I'm only playing , Addison loves red roses. I see your finally admitting you like her" he chuckled "Am not" I wined "Well she likes you too, what are you gonna do anyway?" He asked "It's been a year since I met her and I just thought it would be nice considering everything we've been through caused by Derek, but remember not to tell Addison" I said choosing to ignore the part he said about her liking me because it probably wasn't true "What are we not telling Addison?" I heard Addison say from behind me which made me jump, "Nothing don't worry about it Dr Montgomery, I um...I have to....ah...go" I stuttered and walked away as quickly as possible knowing that I may ruin the surprise.

It has been a fairly slow day and I avoided Addison as much as possible because when I'm nervous about something I tend to blurt stuff out and I was nervous about tonight, because I was scared she wouldn't like it . I don't know why I care so much about her opinion, actually thats a lie, I care because I have a small, ok a huge crush on Addison, and what Mark said earlier just made me more stressed.

I was sitting in the lobby of the hospital waiting for her to leave , I had gone to get the roses, I brought her a cup of juju and waited. Not 2 minutes later I saw her walking towards the exit "Addison , wait" I said walking closer to her , when I noticed she was wearing the same coat as the night we met "Meredith are you ok, I only ask because well you seemed a bit... distant....I guess?" She stuttered "Well today...um it's our....um it's our anniversary....well what I mean is....I met you a year ago today, and I got you these flowers because Sloan told me they were your favourite and I also got you juju, and I just thought that it would be nice seeing as Derek put us through so much this past year, so what I'm trying to say is happy anniversary" I smiled and I could see she had tears forming in her eyes, she just flew forward hugging me tightly "Thank you Meredith, thank you so much and happy anniversary to you too" she sobbed into my shoulder, I pulled back and Wiped her tears with my sleeve "Hey, Hey don't cry, I don't like it when you cry, and this is a happy day and I'm glad we got to know each other" I smiled Hugging her again.

"Here is some juju , it's good juju" I laughed handing her the juju, she had the roses and juju in her right hand while she had her left wrapping around my waist. She took me back to her house because we didn't want go out and have rumours flying around the hospital.

Addison pov:
I have had feelings for Meredith for a while now but her remembering the day we met was the sweetest thing anyone had done for me , like ever. And to top it of she had got me roses, my favourite, and not to mention she got me juju because she said 'I know you normally get juju when someone dies, but this can be our thing, good juju' that really melted my heart when she said 'our thing' .

We got to my house (Oh yeah I bought a house after Derek left it was big and had a garden) where I gave her some pyjamas to where because her clothes were soaked from the rain and I also got changed, after that we decided to watch a movie on the couch in my living room and by the end of it we had eaten pizza and drank some more juju and we had at some point cuddled up with each other.

"Mer come on let's get to bed" I said nudging her slightly "mmmm I don't want to, because then I won't get to be with you anymore" she groaned "What do you mean you won't be with me anymore?" I chuckled "Your gonna make me sleep in a guest room all cold and alone" she mumbled clinging closer to me " You can sleep in my bed if you want" I suggest "Really?" She asked "Really Mer , it's our anniversary remember?" I smiled and gazed deep in her eyes "Of course I remember silly" she giggled, I don't know how but my hand cupped her face stroking it slightly "I really like spending time with you and I hope you want to spend more time with me in future" I said still maintaining eye contact with her.

We leaned forward and softly kissed each other with our lips moving in sync, when we needed air we moved apart "I really freaking like you Addison" she smiled "I really freaking like you too Meredith" I laughed "Will you be my girlfriend" we asked at the same time "Yes" I giggled "Yes" she laughed and hugged me.

We when upstairs and got into my bed and we cuddled each other, she had her arms wrapped around my waist and her head on my chest as I softly kissed her forehead "Goodnight Girlfriend" she whispered and leaned up to give me a kiss on the lips "Night girlfriend" I whispered back. I feel content and happy to be with her, I feel like the drama we have been put through together has actually brought us closer .

Today is May 22 2009 and it is Meredith and my wedding day and we could not love each other more.

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