Chapter 5

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They both stared at me, concern in their eyes. Had i done something alarming? They were just arguing, or had i imagined that too? What were they arguing about and why couldn't i remember anymore?

They looked like their normal selves. I stood there just as confused as they were. Tobias broke the silence. His voice forced me out of my own head.

''Anna..... Anna, what's wrong? Are you hurt?'' He seemed to sniff the air lightly for a second.

I tilted my head observing them. They glanced between themselves with that way of silent communicating of theirs. The room warped and spun, i saw Tobias shove past Theo, his fingers reaching for me. The world fell in on me, my muscles turned to weights forcing me down. Oh no, i remembered this, i was having a panic attack. Shit.

I tried to breathe but my body gave up functioning and i couldn't catch my breath. The darkness took my sight away. I don't know how much time passed before i came to. I groggily lifted myself onto my elbows but was forced down by Theo's heavy hand on my shoulder.

''Woah there, lay back down for a bit.'' I stared confused. I was lying on the lounge in Tobias's office. I could even see him sitting on the edge of his desk, arms folded across his chest making him appear even more intimidating than usual. Concern etched on his face as he stared back at me.

That was new... Theo on the other hand sat beside me with my legs sprawled over his lap, rubbing them of all things. Shit, i did something embarrassing, i knew it.

''What happened?'' I asked, completely confused. I tried to think of the last thing i remembered. But i only remembered eavesdropping on a conversation between Tobias and Theo about..... Funny, i couldn't remember a single detail. All i could recall was the vibe that something was off, then the not being able to breathe thing and oh yeah, my old friend the darkness.

''You fainted, just lay down for a bit and drink this.'' Ordered Tobias, walking back over with a glass of water in his hand.

I sat up pulling my legs from Theo and leaned against the armrest. Reaching out i gripped the ice-cold glass of water, my fingertips brushed Tobias's. He ripped his hand away like i burnt him before moving back to his desk.

A knock on the door a few minutes later interrupted our awkward little quiet. Tobias told them to enter and a leggy blonde woman stepped into the office with a few styrofoam food cartons in her hand.

My nose twitched as the smells wafted from it. My mouth watered at the smell of Chinese food. The blonde woman peered around the room, unsure of what to do. Her light blue eyes darted to each of us frantically until she saw Theo and she froze in place like a deer in headlights.

She was incredibly attractive, she had a white suit pants on and a blazer with a black singlet top.

''Just leave it on the desk, Merida.'' Theo spoke quietly. Merida jumped slightly but obeyed before quickly darting back out of the room, which had grown incredibly tense.

What had i just witnessed? Why did she seem so scared? And more importantly, how long had i been out? Looking at the clock that hung above the door, i noticed the time. 3:15 PM..... My eyes bulged out of my head. I had been out for hours. Jumping to my feet i quickly made my way to the door.

Shit, i was supposed to have the Merger files ready by 4 PM. Just as i opened the door, a hand shoved it shut above me, the lock clicking into place. Burning heat seeped up my back. I instinctively froze at the abrupt harshness of the door being slammed in my face.

''Sit back down, Anna.'' Tobias's voice was demanding. A cold shiver ran up my spine, his hot breathe tickling my neck.

''I have to get the Merger documents for your meeting.'' I tried to argue back. My voice came out shaky, i could hear the fear in it. But why was i suddenly scared of my boss?

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