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Approximately three years ago
The flight took a little over eight hours. The whole time, I was anxious about what Pra had meant with his "I need your help, brother" statement. Pratik prakash W. didn't ask for help. He was very much capable of doing anything and everything; he would rather keel over than ask for help. I knew this man well. For him to ask for help in that desperate tone was more than disconcerting.

Whatever it was, I knew it wasn't going to be good. I had been there once, a couple of years back, before his parents died. I had spent my Christmas holiday there and it had been the best-the only-Christmas I had ever had. At first, I thought it odd how happy and tight-knit Prakash W.'s family was, but as the days progressed, I saw what a truly loving parent meant; his parents were the storybook kind.

Being envious wasn't really a normal feeling for me, however right then and there, I'd have wished all of my inheritance away merely to have what pra had. It was tragic when I found out they had died in a plane crash. The bodies were never found. Even then, though the mourning and pain was evident in pra's eyes, he took charge and carried on as he slid into his father's shoes. I knew how much his parents meant to him, yet he didn't even crumble then.

Never had this man asked for help. Never.
When I arrived at his home and was let in, I made my way back to his study where I softly knocked on the door before pushing it open and letting myself inside. "Pra?"

The study was dark, so it took a good minute for my eyes to adjust. As my eyes finally became used to the dimness, I could see that there was a small desk lamp alit next to a leather wing chair with pra sound asleep in it.

The sight of him sleeping in his study was shocking, however what took me by surprise the most was his appearance. He looked simply gaunt, almost yellowish, and the man had truly lost a significant amount of weight. My stomach plummeted further when he softly coughed, giving me a glimpse of his dire condition. This wasn't a sickness that would go away after a few weeks of Paracetamol. This was more serious.


Pratik -my best friend, my mentor-slowly pried his eyes open and then his weary, gray gaze met mine. "You came," he whispered while slowly trying to shift himself on the seat. "Thank you."

"Of course, I came. Why even doubt it?" I murmured as I strode towards him, steadying myself before I sat on the couch next to his chair. "You're unwell. Why haven't you said anything?"

"I didn't know I was until six months ago." pra looked thoughtful, appearing almost sad. "I'm dying. Unbeknownst to me, I was infected with Hepatitis B. The infection turned into liver cancer. Since I was young and healthy, I never thought any of my pains and symptoms were anything serious. Had I known, I would've hired the best to cure me." pra held my gaze, pausing for a few seconds before coughing mildly. "I have weeks, a few months max, to live."

It seemed so surreal. Pra couldn't be dying; how could he when he was one of the strongest men I knew? To me, he was family. My brother. I respected this man so much. Now, he was terminally ill.

"We'll get someone to cure you. I'm sure there are doctors who are undergoing some trials that could help-"

He held up his hand to stop me from talking. "I just got back from a trial they were doing in South Africa. Why do you think I've been gone a while? I was looking for a cure." He sighed, full of melancholy. "My time is running out. I've accepted it. There's no cure out there for me-, but this is not why I called you, Karan. I have a favor to ask of you. It's a very important one and I would be forever grateful if you could help me. I don't want to die with worry. I hope you can help me."

The feeling of helplessness was so profound that I'd do whatever he asked of me in a heartbeat. I needed something to do-anything-to help him.

"Anything, you don't even have to ask."
Karan gave me a small, weak smile that broke through my composure.

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