Prologue: Before Eternity

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It starts with a narrator's voice telling us the story.

Narrator: There are lives of light, and there are lives of darkness. Young people around the world appear wide-eyed, ready to take their path on a journey, while seniors regret what they did in the past or what they failed to accomplish. This story is about a young man who is trying to figure his life out.

Young Man: Yep! That's me!

Narrator: This, is Yujii Tobihara, a 17 year old from Kyoto. He appears happy-go-lucky, but still doesn't know what the future holds.

Yujii Tobihara: I know, right? I'm thinking I should be a warrior!

Narrator: However, things will not always go to plan.

A crane is loaded, about to move storage crates.

Crane Operator: We just need 1 more to fit this area, sir!

Crane Operator's Boss: Uhhh... you've trapped someone.

Crane Operator: Ah, no! I just picked this up! Why did you make us do this in an area with people in it?

Crane Operator's Boss: It's my business. If you dump this load into the ocean, you'll be blacklisted and never return to this position! And I'll also take you to court for sabotage.

The operator has a sweaty look on his face, he doesn't want to kill someone but he also will likely face prison time if he doesn't make the drop. Meanwhile, the camera cuts back to Yujii.

Yujii Tobihara: Help! Someone get me out of here! Anyone? Hello? I'm trapped here and it's not like I can crawl up!

Rin Tobihara: YUJII! I can't lose my little brother like this!

Yujii Tobihara: RIN! If you can hear me, just know that I love you and just remember the great times we had together. Make sure to tell our parents that I love them!

Rin Tobihara: *sobbing* I will! Why did it have to end like this...

Yujii Tobihara: I can't believe it. All my passion and ambition cut short because I got careless and didn't pay attention. I was trying to do a cool trick and it went completely awry. Say, I left this message in a bottle for so long I forgot to send it. I guess now's the right time to-

The crane drops the storage crate, crushing Yujii on impact.


The next scene is shown inside an echoing throne room, Yujii appearing to be in there.

Yujii Tobihara: Am I... dead?

Unseen Voice: Yujii...

Yujii Tobihara: WHA- How do you know my name?

Unseen Voice: I am God himself. Your life has been cut short, and now the council must decide whether you will go to Heaven or Hell.

Yujii Tobihara: As I feared. But I would like to make an offer.

God: An offer? Interesting.

Yujii Tobihara: I want to live again! I know nothing and I need to learn some more things. I didn't even know what my future held!

God seems surprised by the offer.

God: Oh really? I've never heard someone make that offer here. Can you give me some more details?

Yujii Tobihara: I think about 50 more lives would be great! That way I can become the smartest person of all!

God: Obviously everything must come with a bargain. The lives must each be as a randomized human being, 25 lives of light and 25 of darkness, each to balance out the souls in Heaven and Hell.

Yujii Tobihara: Can the last life at least be me as myself again?

God: On one condition. You must never make your advancements and retained knowledge obvious. You must make your accomplishments somewhat credible for childhood age. And there will be one consistent dream once you've fallen asleep, one where you are in your old body. You said you wanted to be a warrior, so I have arranged an army of undead that will be invading your dreams.

Yujii Tobihara: I want some contact with my past lives as well. I want some advice from them when nobody's looking.

God: Then take this scroll that only you and me can see. Opening it enters you into a dark room, where you can talk to the Traveler of the 50 Paths and seek advice from him. He is wearing a cloak and has a shadowy appearance.

Yujii Tobihara: Wait, really? Tell me more about this.

God: You will be in randomized time periods, however since you died in the modern age, that's when most of your lives will be born, in recent history.

Yujii Tobihara: Really? So I can get to be a samurai? Well then, it's a deal.

God: Make sure to remember the terms and conditions.

Yujii Tobihara: Well, what's my first life gonna be?

God: You will be born in Sendai, in the year 1984. This life is a path of light.

Yujii Tobihara: Say, what are these paths of light an darkness, anyway?

God: A path of light is a life that you need to earn enough points to make it into Heaven. A path of darkness is one where you need to earn enough points to reach Hell.

Yujii Tobihara: I'd rather live paths of light, but the paths of darkness seem easier.

God: Precisely. That's what makes life... life.

Yujii Tobihara: OK, I'll see you in my next dream, peace!

God: I wish you the best of luck on your journey of knowledge.

Yujii departs the afterlife, as he is reborn in a Sendai hospital as the time is set back to 1984.

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