Home Is Where the Hearth Is

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Stiles is excited because today is the day. He gets up and showers quickly, his outfit already laid out. Once he is dressed, he heads downstairs for a quick cup of coffee before heading outside where his boyfriend is waiting for him. He slips into the passenger seat of his boyfriend's car and leans over placing a kiss on his cheek. Before he can fully sit back, he is being pulled into a bruising but loving kiss. Once they are both settled in their seats Stiles is the first to speak. "Good Morning."

Theo smiles. "Morning Little Fox. Are you ready?" Stiles nods eagerly and pulls out his notes. Stiles and Theo are picking out their first home together. They have spent a lot of time talking about it and thinking it over. Then last week they contacted a realtor after sending her a list of their wants and she got back to them the next day with a number of possibilities. So today they are going house hunting or well taking tours. They meet Erica at the first address and Stiles is vibrating with excitement.

Erica turns and gives them a wave. She is a blonde bombshell and if Stiles weren't in a relationship and liked women he would definitely be interested. Not just because she is gorgeous but also because she is fierce. They went to high school together. She's actually how he met Theo.

"Hello Lovebirds," she purrs with a teasing grin.

Stiles blushes and Theo smirks. "Hey Erica," Theo says. Stiles gives a nod with a small smile.

"Well, what do you think?" she asks, gesturing to the house.

Stiles and Theo exchange a look before Stiles speaks. "It's a beautiful home. We can look inside but I'm not fond of the appearance."

Theo nods in agreement. "A little too modern perhaps?"

Stiles nods and they head back to their respective cars to head to the next address. This home is much better appearance wise and seems homier than the other one did. They go inside to take a look around and Stiles smiles fondly at Theo's awed expression when he wanders into the kitchen. Stiles on the other hand turns excitedly towards the living room and looks around. His smile fades slowly as he realizes something he wants isn't there.

He brushes it off and goes to join Theo in the kitchen. "Babe isn't this kitchen just–"

"Your dream kitchen, Theo," Stiles says with the same fond smile. They mark it as a maybe before heading to the next address.

With each location they visit only for Stiles to discover that none of the living rooms have what he wants, his mood begins to sour with disappointment. Stiles didn't care too specifically about most things but there was one he has always wanted.

Theo has noticed his boyfriend's emotional turmoil and asks Erica to give them a minute. She nods before heading to the kitchen where she lays down her folder of information to check her notes.

Theo finds Stiles on the back porch with his arms crossed. He hugs his boyfriend from behind, his arms comfortably snug around his waist and places gentle kisses to Stiles's neck which always coaxes him to talk to Theo. Stiles sighs but leans into the embrace and tilts his head to give Theo more access. "I'm not asking for much Theo. After my dad moved in with Melissa, we didn't need the home anymore. He said he'd sell it and give most of the money to me. It's not about cost or location because home is where the heart is and all that, but I wanted that saying to also apply to my one ask. Well my main one."

Theo tilts his head. "Stiles, I gave Erica the list. I swear I did. What have I missed?" His confusion made Stiles lose a bit of his hurt and anger but only a little.

"I want Home is Where the Hearth is . I want a fireplace," he whispered.

Theo smiles fondly and nods. "I know Little Fox. You specifically asked for a fireplace, a study with shelves for all your books and a window nook for you to read in." Stiles nods with a small smile. "See? I know what you want, baby. I wish you spoke up sooner but now I know. How about we talk to Erica and see if the list just didn't have everything on it."

"Okay. Do you think she'll be mad that we wasted time going to all these houses if none of them have a fireplace?" he asks quietly.

Theo moves in front of Stiles, his arms sliding back around his boyfriend's waist and shakes his head. "No. I don't think she'll be mad. She's our friend and she is almost as excited as you are that we're doing this."

Stiles sighs happily and places a chaste kiss on Theo's lips. "Then let's go." Theo dives in quickly for another kiss wanting to savor it before taking Stiles's hand and intertwining their fingers as they head inside. Of course, Theo was right, and Erica realizes her printer must've run out of ink before it was able to print the entire list.

So, fifteen minutes and two phone calls later they are on their way to a house closer to the edge of town. Without even taking a step inside Stiles and Theo exchange a look. It feels right.

Still, they take their time inspecting every inch of the house and the property. It takes but an hour for them to finish the tour, make a decision and then make an offer.

About a week later they are each given a set of keys and they pause briefly to stare at their new home. Theo slips his arms around Stiles's waist hugging him from behind again. His lips brush against Stiles's ear. "You know when you said home is where the heart is my first thought was well my home is with you because you are my heart. Wherever you go I go Stiles."

Stiles feels tears well up as he leans into the embrace and beams. "You are such a sap, but I love you for it. We are each other's hearts and now we have a home with a hearth."

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