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Hope POV

In my old life, I always wanted a sibling.
I remember when I was younger that I always begged for a sibling, but my parents always said no.

When I was a teenager I asked my mother why they didn't want another child and then she told me that it was to risky for her and it was already a great risk giving birth to me.
After I was born the doctors warned her, that if she would ever get pregnant again that the risk is high that the baby wouldn't survive it or the both of them wouldn't survive it.
So my parents agreed that they wouldn't risk it and were happy that they got at least one child.

Now here I'am about to meet my brother, adoptive brother.

From my past life I know that many didn't see Marcel Gerard as a Mikaelson, but I always thought that he was a Mikaelson, I mean he was raised by them and even if he hated them and tried to kill them or get rid of them many times, he was family.

I mean it's not like he is the only one in the Mikaelson family that tried to kill another Mikaelson member or tried to get rid of a member.

As we enter the Abattoir we spot Marcel and Vincent, who seem to be patiently await us. I see them look at me, at that I give them a small smile, which they return much to my shock.

"Hello, you must be Hope.", Marcel greets me in a friendly and calm voice and apparently tries to avoid the other Mikaelson's, because he doesn't even dare to look at them.

"Hello I'm Hope, but you know that already and I still introduced myself and now I'm just rambling. What's your name? Can we be friends?", I started rambling as I step forward, it would be to suspicious if I already knew who he is.

At my rambling Marcel just chuckles and kneels before me to be on my eye hight,
"Well little one like you already said yourself, I know who you are and my name is Marcel and if you want we can be friends.", after he said that he looked at Vincent and then back to me,"But first we need to find out what happend to you and if we can help you.", he says to me trying not to scare me, I know he is lying to me, because he knows what happened to me, at least he thinks he knows what happened to me exactly.

"Okay, what do I need to do?" I asked couriosly.

"Well Hope that's my friend Vincent over there, he is the one who will help you and all you have to do is get up to him so he can cast the spell, okay?", he tells me still ignoring the others and they seem to be okay with that, 'cause their are busy to watch and analyse how we interact with each other.

"Okay.", I say to him and go up to Vincent, who is silently waiting for me, it seems like he is trying to concentrate on something,"Hey I'm Hope you must be Vincent.", I start to speak.

At my voice Vincent snaps out of his concentrate state and smiles down at me,"Indeed that's me. Let's start with the spell, so we can help as fast as possible.", as he said that he looks at my parents, waiting for a silent agreement, which they give him with a silent nod.

After he got what he wanted he started to cast the spell and closes his eyes.

A few seconds later he opens his eyes and looks at me confused and then looks at my family and Marcel.
"We need to talk.",he states to the rest of the Mikaelson's and Marcel.

"Why is something wrong?",my Mum asks worried.

"No, I just need to discuss something with you.",he responses and than looks at Marcel,
"Marcel you should take Hope somewhere else, we don't want her to get bored right?", he says.

At that Marcel looks at Hayley, I mean Mum, who
nods at him, silently telling him that he should take me somewhere else and that she was okay with that.

"Come on Hope, let's leave them alone and do something fun. Do you like to paint?", he takes my hand and leads up the stairs while speaking with me.

"Yes I love to paint. Can we paint something?", I ask him enthusiastically.

"Sure we can, little one.", he chuckles at me.

3rd POV
~Meanwhile downstairs~

"What is wrong Vincent, did you found out what is wrong with her?", Hayley asks impatiently, worried about her daughter.

"That's the thing, there is nothing wrong with her.", Vincent answers Hayley and than whispering to himself,
"I thought the Hollow had a stronger grasp on her."

"Wait the Hollow, isn't that what Hope repeated all the time when she was in her trance state?", Kol asks his family, after he heard what Vincent said, loud enough for Vincent to hear.

"Yes she repeated the Hollow is coming' and than fainted.", Klaus asweres Kol question.

"Wait she said the Hollow is coming. Was there anything else, was she cold or anything like that?", Vincent asks them, worried what could happen if what Hope said was true.

"Well nothing like that, but her magic was going crazy, we also couldn't go in her head to see what was wrong and when she finally awoke, her magic it kinda feeled weird, but also more powerful than before and after that she didn't mentioned the Hollow again.",Freya tells Vincent,
in hopes he has an answer for the weird feeling she got from Hope's magic and that he could help them.

When Freya mentiones the issue with Hope's magic it finally clicks in his head, why he couldn't find the Hollow in her or in general and why the Hollow let him free the other kids so easily.

"That can't be, that means the Hollow bonded with Hope's magic."

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