2. Bloody Hands - Pathetic Anxiety

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Bloodied clothes, a full belly, and a smile full of joy are all Charlie radiated as he creeps through the dark streets, keeping away from the street lamps that hung, towering overhead. There weren't many people around, human or monster. It did make sense after all; not many wanted to be out so late when they could be home. Not Charlie- never. He loved to prowl and search, for those one or two stragglers that caught his eye.
That he could prey on.

Charlie hummed softly, looking down at the ground with his hands behind his back. He watched as his small paws took one step after another. He liked how small he was, and how soft his features were in contrast to many other monsters. They weren't pretty like he was- Charlie was small and cute, and if it weren't for the third eye tucked under his right eye, he would be his own definition of perfect. Thin in the right places, thicker in the other places that really count.
Thankfully no one he's met so far has truly met these outrageous standards Charlie has for the men he meets- if he did... he didn't even know what he would do if he did! Would he take them to his home, treat them as a king and royalty? Or simply just eat them entirely; not leaving any flesh on their pretty bones? It was honestly exciting to think about.

Perhaps a little... too exciting as Charlie hissed to himself, having to lean against a building to rub his thighs together as the thoughts of devouring someone so utterly flawless filled his head. Oh, how the screams would carry through his ears like a melody as he tore chunk after chunk of their skin away from their body. Naughty, sick thoughts crept into his head about how he would defile their body while they were still alive and breathing.
To watch as the life flickered in their eyes as he lovingly and gratefully enjoyed their body to its fullest. He wouldn't dare waste a meal like that if it was given to him. Charlie huffed, his face flooding with heat as his body radiated a certain... pleasure. Bliss. Pure and utter lust.

It's delicious to think of, but so painful to go through in reality as he stumbled through the streets wearily, his little beige shorts feeling much too tight now. Charlie bit his lip, his canines drawing blood in an attempt to take himself away from the erotic thoughts. He despised the taste of his own kind's blood- it was too sour and and always left a distracting taste in his mouth when he was done. Thankfully, tasting the blood he hated made his near raging erection calm down, and he sighed in relief.
It was too distracting to try and pleasure himself while on the prowl, or when he's merely trying to get home- like in this moment.

Even if he would greatly appreciate some sweet little honey coming by so he could enjoy them as well, the last man he tasted satisfied his lust for human flesh and blood, so Charlie saw no more point in stalking around for prey when he was full. Charlie's breaths caught in his throat as he saw a tall, slender man walking down the street, his head hung low and his hands buried into his pockets.
Maybe he could use just one more bite.

Adder smiled awkwardly at Cassidy, who was getting quite tipsy from that 'fruit punch' that she's been downing as if it were simply water. He never minded being the designated driver, especially if he was able to get the woman home safely. Cassidy leans onto the smaller man, giggling to herself as she stares at one of the monsters attending the party.
"He's pretty cute you know- I've never had a monster for a boyfriend! Maybe I can... I can pick up such a cutie pie!" Cassidy chortled, turning to whisper into Adder's ear. Her warm breath makes the hair on his neck and arms stand on end. It felt nice, even if the smell of burning alcohol lays heavily on her breath.

Turning to face the giggly woman, Adder raised an eyebrow.
"Are you sure? You're kinda drunk... I don't know if you should since you're not in the right mind you know? Maybe you and I could have some water so you can calm down a bit." Adder spoke quietly, his voice low as he had to stifle a small gag from the stench of that frat punch on Cassidy's lips. However, the woman just snorted, turning her head to belch into her shoulder instead of Adder's face- which he appreciated very much.
"Oh, come on Adder! You're always such a Goody-Two-Shoes! Why don't you find a girlfriend, man! You deserve one man- you really do. I think I'm gonna... I'm gonna shoot my shot man." Cassidy giggled some more, her high pitched laughter made Adder's heart sting as he grabbed her hand to keep her from leaving him.

"Please, Cassidy! I really think you should think about this before rushing into something again! You- you just went through a break up, are you sure that it's right to latch onto someone new so quickly?" Adder held onto Cassidy's hand, the warmth from her palm made his stomach churn in nervousness. It feels... amazing. As if he's holding hands with a pure angel!
But Cassidy only puffed out her cheeks as she turned from the monster to Adder. She grunted a bit and flopped her arm around as she whined drunkenly.
"Adder! C'mon man! Lighten up... besides, I got over Maurice quick as hell- I'll be fine. Now please, lemme go talk to him!" Cassidy gave Adder the biggest puppy eyes she could possibly muster, and Adder had no choice but to give in.

He watched as she smiled the biggest smile he's ever seen at him. Then, she was gone; into the crowd with another man. Adder had no choice other than to cling to a wall and stay there. Merely as a pathetic wallflower. He wanted to follow her- make sure that Cassidy is safe and from harm. ... or to at least not be alone like he is now.
It was overwhelming to see so many people at once- scary even. To hear all the voices and loud music made his head spin. He felt as if he was going to vomit again... except this time he couldn't keep his cool. He bent over at the hip and spewed what little food he had earlier today, his body twisting uncomfortably as he let his guts loose onto the floor.

People around him shrieked and groaned in disgust and shock as they scattered, cutting their partying short to glare at the small black haired man as he threw up onto the nauseatingly green carpet. Or was his vomit green? He couldn't tell much- not with the tears quickly covering his vision. He shamefully skidded down the wall he was connected to till he was seated, tucking his head tightly into his knees as people around started to snicker and laugh as they jokingly gagged to each other.

"Lightweight." One said.

"Gross." Sneered another.

It was too much for Adder's weakened little mind- and before long the young man started to ball his eyes out and hug into his own knees. He wanted Cassidy with him again- she made these feelings better. She made him feel good and normal. Normal. That's one word Adder knew he yearned to be in this moment at the very least. He wanted to be normal so he could talk to people and not have the urge to bawl his eyes out or throw up. He wanted to at least be able to handle a crowd and noises like this like Cassidy could so he could impress her just once.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2022 ⏰

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