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Hello everyone! Well everything is okay with my sister and the baby. She got out of the hospital 5 days after the accident. I am just now home from helping take care of her and from school. So I found out also that I have tests everyday of May for school. Perks of being a sophomore who took all her senior classes so now I'm super duper busy studying! I feel so bad because I can't update a lot and I feel like I'm letting you all down. When I get the chance I will make filler chapters that will not be in episodes and some of the episodes will be in it. So technically it will be a mix of my own storyline/show too. But anyways everything is good just busy! Oh and also the baby might be here early but that's okay because it's safe for him to be here now! My sister started having contractions today and so now I'm technically moving back there (where there is no internet) to help take care of my nieces while doing my school work at the same time. (My teachers are giving me all of my work that I need to do) and so yeah. But I love all you guys and I'm so sorry about this!

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