Living in a Gold Cage

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Angst, and mild NSFW.


Go Eun received a letter that morning.

May I visit you and see how you are doing this afternoon? I have some news I wish to share to you, and I would like to meet you again after a while. We know each other too long to have any ill feelings. At this time last year, we still spent several days together with both our families. I know your condition is not the same now, but maybe this is the last time I could talk with you comfortably because I will begin the government official exam soon. Please give your answer to my courier.

Sincerely, Park Jin Young.

With no hesitation, Go Eun told the courier she would be glad to accept Jin Young's visit.

He visited that afternoon, bringing letters from her parents and brother, food from her house and wedding gifts from his parents.

They perceived each other critically for the first few minutes before they broke out to laughter.

The truth was, they know each other too well to feel like lovers. Their parents did intend for them to marry and they accepted it as a form of obedience. Apart from that, they grew up together. Jin Young was worried for her when he heard that Grand Prince Min Ho suddenly took an interest on her and insisted to marry her. A part of him did feel broken hearted. But he also couldn't deny the fact that she deserved to have a good marriage. And if you forget the fact that Grand Prince Min Ho had a bad reputation, it was a good match.

"How are you, really? Are you alright? Is your husband treating you well?"

They were walking at the park, with flowers blooming everywhere and butterflies flying.

"I'm fine. I really am, Oppa. And if I honestly think about it, he hasn't treated me badly........"

She was talking without thinking when the fact sank in and she halted in her steps.

It is true. He hasn't treated me really bad. He's full with threats but he has never.....caused any real harm to me.

"I heard that he allows you to give to the poor. My family was ecstatic to hear the news a few days ago."

"The free food at the market?"

Jin Young nodded.

"I've never ordered that."


"The prince was the one who arranged that. But he used my name."



"Why did he use your name like that? Is it some sort of a wedding gift or—what?"

Is it a wedding gift from him?

"I don't know..........he........he doesn't explain things to me."

Everyone knew about Prince Min Ho's notorious reputation with women and liquor, also the fact that he would be the happiest if the emperor lost his throne. Jin Young really visited that day to see how Go Eun was doing. Her parents' had requested him to do so, because they didn't feel they would be allowed to see her.

What surprised him most was......he didn't feel any animosity in Go Eun about her husband. Her mother told him that she faced her wedding day as if preparing for an execution. But she didn't look.....tormented then. Maybe she had accepted her fate and was dealing well with it?

He would be able to give good news to her parents.

"Honestly, Go Eun, this is a beautiful palace."

They stopped walking and looked around them, with all the guards and courtiers who followed them also pausing their walk.

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