~Chapter 1~

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Twilight felt herself drift further into the darkness, after so many sleepless nights, she had really hoped she could finally find some peace within her surroundings. She was free now, wasn't she? the Rainbow Factory was destroyed, nuked by Celestia even, so why was she so worried all of the sudden? she tossed and turned in her bed, trying to sink further into a dream world, to forget everything that happened. She could feel it, all four hooves underneath of her, she could see again! her left eye was no longer a red, blinking mechanical light, it was her own that she had lost so long ago. But hold on, where was she? this didn't look like the small, quiet town she was forced to live in after her escape, in fact..she had heard noises she had recognized, low, humming noises that drew dread along her spine. Where did she hear those before?

Twilight looked down and gasped, she was chained! what was happening? and those buzzing sounds were from machines. "Sweet Celestia no.." Twilight whispered under her breath, it struck her harder than a bullet. She had returned to the Rainbow Factory. The establishment meant to be destroyed and had been was now fully rebuilt, glowing tubes of every color in the rainbow hung in front of her, the sickly neon burning at her eyes. Twilight immediately, started to panic. "Help! somepony help me!" Twilight called out. Why did her magic feel so useless? it was like in slow-motion, her horn took forever to react, was it even working? wait, she had a horn again?

"Hello, Twilight." a pony Twilight had dreaded hearing ever again laughed. Twilight didn't have to turn her head to know who it had been, someone who she had once considered a friend.

"Rainbow Dash? wha-but..you're dead!" Twilight stammered. She had fallen victim to the grinder thanks to Scootaloo and Fluttershy pushing her in, during the time they had been battling all the remaining workers sworn to evil, and Rainbow had been one of them. How did she come back alive? her body wouldn't survive such destruction, and Twilight could see it.

"Do you think I'm stupid? I know that I am." Rainbow Dash growled, pausing to look up at Twilight, who had been hanging above said grinder now, still stained with bright-red crimson. Twilight's eyes darted at the ravaged pegasus. She looked almost non-pony now, so much torn open fur and flesh hung down from Rainbow, her mane was dirty, and she looked pale and full of hatred. Half of her body wasn't even there, rather her whole backside had been ripped apart, only entrails and bones remaining. Rainbow still had her uniform on of course, though mangled.

"You ruined everything..you and everypony I trusted, loved, and had faith in! Do you think I wanted to hurt Scootaloo, Derpy, you, or Fluttershy? that's why I offered them this job in the first place! this company meant everything to me! rainbows, blood, the eyes of failures right before their deserved demise. Now Cloudsdale will fall and only be left with worthless pieces of shit!"

Twilight flattened her ears. Rainbow kinda looked like shit, twilight thought epicly.

"What does that have to do with the earth ponies, grown pegasi, ponies without bright colors, fillies, and unicorns you brutally tortured?" Twilight snapped back. She was full of anger now, so much she had failed to tell Rainbow before resurfaced into her memory.

"What about us, darling?" Rarity, or what used to be her questioned. Twilight cocked her head in her direction. Rarity at least had one of the less painful deaths, right? she had turned rogue after so many nights of being trapped in the stables, and finally, after losing it, joined her sister and did just as much hurt as Rainbow had caused.

"Oh yes! and me Twilight? your good old friend Pinkie Pie!" a cheery voice pressed on. It had been Pinkie Pie, but not the Pinkie Twilight had grown to love after so many seasons. This pinkie pie's mane was deflated, and she wore a black dress with wings covered in them. Twilight groaned and failed to respond. All these ponies were dead, did she die in her sleep? was there some sort of infection caused by whatever she touched in the factory? was this just how unfair everything had become?

"Oh we'd love to see Twilight!" one of the evil doublegangers smiled, approaching. They had all been sucked into the rainbow factory penis thanks to Twilight summoning it. It was giant and sucked them all in killing them. Twilight saw that um, the cream remained :)

"That was actually life-ruining." Rainbow Dashe's evil doubleganger said. "Such an embarrassing way to die. You'll pay for making my last minutes of existence being sucked into a dick Twilight."Twilight gasped. Oh no! she must've been in hell! the rainbow factory was hell! how was she going to get out this time?

"I'm sad that we didn't even get to see the fight, we were just working on the upper floor, and BOOM! all the factory's alarms go off, and an hour later CRASH!! and we get exploded!" the elements of insanity, particularly Fluttershout complained.

Twilight was not sorry for dropping the nukes on them ;)

She eyed some of the others workers, who had been killed as well. Wooden Toaster had been hung by wires after one of the pegasi managed to lure her into a tangled mess of black jutting cords, most of which got caught around her neck, making Wooden toaster strangle herself in a fit of desperation to get back to the fight. Next to her, sat Gentle Butterwing, who had been electrocuted to death, 950 volts all hitting her at once. She was dead in an instant but caused the whole factory to set fire. Over to the right had been Soarin, stabbed. Surprise, decapitated. Then Emala Jiss, who had flown too close to a ceiling fan and tore her wings apart. She fell to her death then. Sky wishes, who fell into the fire after Gentle's death and was burned alive. Twilight would never forget her screams. Strawberry Dizzle, who was thrown to a nearby wall and had her skull smashed, Dark dash, shot with his own gun. and the others who hadn't made it. All their bodies looked the way they had been the moment they died, almost like they were walking corpses. Twilight looked around but saw no sign of any pony else who had died there that wasn't all part of Rainbow's horrific perspective of how ponies failing to impress the league of Cloudsdale should be dealt with.

"Is this hell? where are my friends that also escaped?" Twilight demanded. She had pleaded nothing bad had come of them.

"We can only visit ponies one at a time." the wolf sisters said!! OMG

Twilight struggled to break her chains. "You won't get away with this! we killed you! you can only hurt me here. When I wake up..when I wake up ill never sleep again!"

"Oh please don't do that Twilight, we like visiting you!" Pinkie, or as her more commonly-known factory name, Pinkamena mocked.

Rainbow let out a laugh that lasted longer than Twilight wanted to listen to. "Oh Twilight, you can't escape your own conscience, we will always be here, and you can never rid of us, or the factory, whatever's left of it." she then pulled a bright-red lever, and the chains were raised from her hooves, in which, had Twilight dropped straight into thousands of small blades. Twilight screamed as she felt everything be torn apart. She let out a scream, but none came out as her own bubbled over. Only the laughing and hollering of ponies above her rang in her ears.

"AHHHH! HOLY FUCKING SHIT PISSBALLS!!!" Twilight screamed as she woke up. Thank goodness it had only been a nightmare!!

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