Can someone die from happiness?

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Jason's P.O.V.

We were standing in front of his house. I don't know what to say and this silence is killing me. 'Say something you stupid!' I said to myself.

"I'll... I'll see you later. Good night." I said trying to smile gently but I'm sure it must have looked awkward. 'Fuck...You stupid asshole. Can't you use that rotten brain of yours once in your life?' I was getting irritated with myself, Is that even possible?

"Good night," he replied. He looked so cute when he said that. I felt an electric shock pass through my body.

I wanna hug him so bad. Should I hug him? Should I not? What if he won't like it? I was debating but then he suddenly smiled, it was kind and welcoming. He looked happy, he genuinely looked happy. 'Fuck it.' I said to myself and then hugged him. I felt his arms wrap around me and my body was tingling everywhere I could feel his heat.

My heart was beating so fast I could feel the blood circulating in my veins. I could feel his chest resisting the force of my heart. And I could feel his heart beating. It was the most amazing feeling I ever felt. It was not scary or exciting but calming. I felt like all of my troubles and my pain just dissipated. I don't know why but I felt like crying, but I'm not sad. Maybe I want to cry because I feel so comfortable.

It was warm and soothing. It felt like a warm blanket that you wrap around yourself on a snowy night. No, it felt a million times better than that. Even Conri was calm. He was not howling or jumping around, he was lying down, he was resting, he also was comfortable. It felt even better than the feeling of the first sunray on your skin after a long snowy winter. It felt like spring.

I want to stay, I want to stay like this forever. But I can't. 'Jason let's not be a creep. What would Owe think if you keep hugging him like this?' And I pulled away. I could feel my heart rip apart as I moved away. I was looking into his eyes. Those beautiful eyes, they were looking at me.

I want more, I want more. My mind was repeating that like crazy. 'I want to hold you again,' I was saying it in my hand hoping that Owen would hear it using some kind of telepathy. 'I want to hold your hand; I want to hug you. Are you listening Owen?' I was saying that in my head "I want to kiss you so bad." I was looking at him. FUCK! Did I just say that out loud? I was shocked, I said it out loud! Oh my God. He must think I'm some kind of pervert. I was shaken to the core.

"Really! Then what are you waiting for?" he spoke. Wait! What did he just say? I was lost for a second but I moved closer as soon as I got my sanity back.

I placed both my hands on his cheeks cupping him and then pressed my lips to his. I felt my body burning up. He was still for a second but then he started to kiss me back. I started to tangle his lips with mine. I could feel his tongue pushing forward, him opening his mouth more. I moved my hands from his face to his neck and started pushing his neck from the back, making him come forward. His hands were on my chest and I'm sure he could feel my temperature.

I was holding his neck, but I wanted to feel more. So, I traced my hands down to his waist. He must have felt tickles because he chuckled and I pushed my tongue in his mouth grabbing the chance. He was playing my tongue with his. I was exploring his entire mouth and it felt like heaven. He tested like cookie dough and strawberries. He then wrapped his hands around my neck pulling me in.

At this point, there was barely any space between us. I could feel his entire body on mine. His chest was attached to mine. I could feel his skin rubbing beneath the thin material of his jersey. I could feel his hard member against mine and his thighs parting for me to get even closer.

I tighten my grip and started to kiss him more, he did the same and he filled my entire mouth with his tongue. I then bit his lower lip gently and he moaned a little. That pushed me from the edge. My hands were sweaty and his body was heating. Conri was going crazy but I was enjoying myself too much to pay him any attention.

I could feel his breath getting uneven and him gasping for air. I was getting out of breath but none of us wanted to stop. Our tongues were fighting with each other, lips aching from all the biting and teeth clashing, it was driving me crazy. He felt sweet, soft, and sharp. It felt too good to be true. It felt wonderful. He felt superficial, He felt like home.

We parted after a while but were holding each other just like before. He was looking in my eyes and smiling. He looked like an angel. But then his cheeks started to turn red and I felt shy too. He jerked away and we separated.

"I think you should go now. My parents will be here anytime now." He said, with his eyes fixed on the ground. He looked shy but it was so cute.

"Ya...Ya...It's getting pretty late. I should go before they send a search party." I tried to joke hoping I'd look cool but failed miserably.

"Really?" he really believed that. I could not stop myself from laughing. He is just too cute.

"No...No...I'm just joking." I replied.

"Oh!" He said and then there was again silence.

"Um...I'll go now," I spoke breaking the silence.

"Okay... I'll talk to you late." He smiled a little. "Goodbye. Be safe on the road." Is he worried for me?

"Goodbye," I replied and went into my car. He stood there until I drove away.

I am on my way to my home but I still can't believe what happened. I just kissed Owen. Conri was as happy as I was. I traced my lips with my fingers and I felt so happy that I don't know how to describe it. I was so happy that my heart felt full and a tear fell from my left eye.

I was so happy that I wanted to cry. I felt like I was ballooning up like I was flying over the world. I felt like I would die from happiness. Is that possible? Can someone die from happiness? Because if that's true then I'm afraid I won't be able to see tomorrow's sun.

But I wanna live because I want to kiss Owen again. I want to take a U-turn right now, go back to him and kiss him. But I won't because I know there will be more days like this, I hope there will be more days like this. But I still can't believe that I just kissed Owen. I KISSED OWEN!

Author's note:


Someone, please give me some pills to calm down. I'm going nuts. They fucking KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEDDDDD.

I don't know what I'm feeling. I'm super-duper excited for them and I'm jealous of them too. UH...why am I so twisted. It's like in one moment I want to read the chapter while hugging and biting the pillow and in the next, I want to throw water on them.

Okay all the things aside, everyone who was after my blood last week because of the cliffhanger, calm down. I gave you the kiss, fine! Lol just kidding I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I want to dedicate this chapter to all the readers. I wish you get an as amazing kiss like this one from your special one and if you are like me and don't have anyone in your life, I wish you find that person soon and feel the butterflies in those tiny tummies of yours. Well, I hope I find someone too but you don't need to know about my wishful thinking.

I hope you liked this chapter. Let me know your thoughts in the comments. And thank you to all who vote for the chapters and leave those sweat and funny comments, I want you to know that I love reading them and they inspire me to write. So, thank you so much.

Finally, I hope you have a great weekend. See you all next week.

Vote share and comment.

Love you all.

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